Schumer Eats His Own Words as Dozens Arrested Outside His Home

Democratic Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York may have celebrated Halloween a little early since on Friday the 13th, his remarks came back to haunt him.

Do you recall when, last year, a draft of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade was leaked, sending liberals reeling?

For weeks, conservative Supreme Court justices’ families were angry and their lives were disrupted by large protest groups gathering outside their houses.

A 26-year-old man who was furious about the unfinished judgment even attempted to kill Justice Brett Kavanaugh, but the attempt was thwarted by the authorities. (The man, Nicholas John Roske, is said to have wanted to “give his life a purpose.”)

Schumer, though, saw nothing wrong with the demonstrators.

According to a May 10, 2022, story in The Hill, Schumer said, “If protests are peaceful, yes,” in response to a reporter’s question about whether he was comfortable with the demonstrations outside the houses of the Supreme Court justices. Protests take place outside my house three or four times a week. It’s acceptable to protest peacefully the American way.

Schumer joked, “Maybe there’s a protest outside,” while taking a phone from his spouse while he was speaking with the reporter.

But according to Fox News, Schumer—who is Jewish—may not have felt as charitable toward demonstrators on Friday when hundreds of pro-Palestinian demonstrators gathered outside his house as he was finishing up Shabbat meal before departing for Israel.

The New York Post reports that numerous demonstrators, including local officials and members of Jewish organizations, were taken into custody outside of Schumer’s residence.

A protest took place around the city on Friday, including outside Senator Chuck Schumer’s home in Brooklyn.

Friday night saw Jewish New Yorkers and allies make their way to Sen. Schumer’s home in Brooklyn as he prepared to travel with a delegation of lawmakers to Israel –…

— D. Scott @eclipsethis2003 (@eclipsethis2003) October 14, 2023

Thousands of Jewish protesters gathered in New York City in front of Senator Chuck Schumer’s house to protest US policy on Palestine & Israel.

— In Context (@incontextmedia) October 14, 2023

Outside Brooklyn senator Chuck Schumer’s house on Friday night, 57 protestors were taken into custody. Rabbis, Holocaust survivors’ descendants, and Jewish New Yorkers demanding he act to bring about a truce while waving a sign that stated, “Jews Say Stop the Genocide of Palestinians.”

One X user posted:

“A protest took place around the city on Friday, including outside Senator Chuck Schumer’s home in Brooklyn.

“Friday night saw Jewish New Yorkers and allies make their way to Sen. Schumer’s home in Brooklyn as he prepared to travel with a delegation of lawmakers to Israel — demanding he take action for a ceasefire,” the post continued.

“Dozens of protesters, ages 20-85, were arrested, including two New York officials, Assemblymembers Zohran Mamdani and Marcela Mitaynes along with rabbis and descendants of Holocaust survivors, holding a banner reading ‘Jews Say Stop the Genocide of Palestinians’ and blocking the entryway to Schumer’s street.”

Another pointed out the distinction in the treatment of demonstrators outside Schumer’s residence and those outside the residences of Supreme Court justices. It alluded to a well-known speech Schumer gave in March 2020 in which he criticized the Supreme Court, singling out Justice Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh in particular, saying, “You have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price.”

“Two tiered justice, ” the post stated. “Schumer threatened SCOTUS that they would reap a whirlwind. Protesters stayed even after one showed up armed to kill. 30 seconds into protests against a democrat and it is shut down.”

Two tiered justice. Schumer threatened SCOTUS that they would reap a whirlwind. Protesters stayed even after one showed up armed to kill. 30 seconds into protests against a democrat and it is shut down

— MacktheKnife (@KnifeMackthe) October 14, 2023

Obama’s party knows how to gather, you have to give them that.
They threw innocent ppl in jail for J6 and we posted about it.

Hundreds of Protestors Demanding End to US-Israel Aid Arrested Outside Schumer’s Brooklyn Home

— cagrown5 (@cagrown5) October 14, 2023

Irrespective of Schumer’s explicit endorsement of the apprehension of the demonstrators, it is evident that he benefits from a level of safeguarding that is not equally accessible to many individuals.

However, it is hoped that he gained an understanding of the experiences endured by individuals in New York whenever politicians from the Democratic Party, such as himself, incite the public.

The post Schumer Eats His Own Words as Dozens Arrested Outside His Home appeared first on The Republic Brief.

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