Speaker Johnson Goes For The Jugular On Key Biden “Coverup”

The recently chosen House Speaker, Mike Johnson, unequivocally conveyed that the ongoing investigations pertaining to Joe Biden are not, in reality, approaching a conclusion.

Johnson exclusively told Fox News digital that “We have an ongoing cover-up of the important facts as Joseph Biden is sitting in the Oval Office.”

“We know that he stared right into the camera as the president and lied repeatedly — I mean, multiple times — he lied directly multiple times about his involvement and knowledge of his son’s business dealings. We all know that now.”

“We have an ongoing cover-up of the important facts as Joseph Biden is sitting in the Oval Office. We know that he stared right into the camera as the president and lied repeatedly… he lied directly multiple times about his involvement and knowledge of his son’s business… pic.twitter.com/nBgu9YB0iX

— Becker Clips (@NewsBecker) October 28, 2023

The publication Raw Story, known for its left-leaning perspective, prominently featured a news story claiming that Republicans expressed a desire to gradually conclude the Biden impeachment process.

According to a report published on October 27, “James Comer doubts he will ‘hold any more hearings’ on impeachment: report,.

Readers commented on the news.

“Finally abandoning the sinking ship,” one commenter said. “In other words—it was a sham,” another replied. “Quit while you are behind,” yet another chimed in.

However, the events that transpired were not in alignment with the perspective presented by the left-wing publication’s “report.”

“The new House speaker wants to pursue impeachment charges based on baseless corruption claims against President Joe Biden but there’s just one problem: U.S. Rep James Comer (R-KY) wants to be done with the hearings,” bemused Raw Story.

Chairman of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee, Comer, expressed uncertainty on his inclination to conduct additional hearings. “I don’t know that I want to hold any more hearings, to be honest with you,” he declared.

However, the source stated that he expressed a preference for depositions, citing their greater versatility and potential for further exploration, “you can do more with,” Comer explained.

Subsequently, the veracity regarding the newly appointed Speaker’s objectives was revealed.

According to Johnson, “If in fact all the evidence leads to where we believe it will, that’s very likely impeachable offenses,” Johnson said. “I believe the documents are proving all that. The bank records don’t lie.”

The current evidence obtained through the subpoena of bank data indicates that Joe Biden’s financial records do not provide a clear explanation for the acquisition of a Delaware residence using $2.75 million in cash, nor for a reported “loan” of $200,000 to his brother James Biden.

Investigators have also identified tax issues totaling an estimated sum of $5 million. According to the assertions made by a reliable source from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the aforementioned threshold represents an estimated benchmark for the individual with significant influence.

Last week, Johnson, who was recently elected, provided insight into his perspective or ideology, commonly referred to as his “worldview.” This occurred when he responded to a question regarding words he made that were perceived as homophobic.

On Wednesday, Johnson assumed the position of speaker, marking the culmination of a three-week period characterized by internal conflicts within the Republican Party. The backbencher, who was somewhat obscure, secured their initial election to the chamber in 2016 and has maintained a limited public presence till the present week.

During a televised interview, Sean Hannity engaged in a discussion with the recently appointed speaker at the Capitol, wherein he inquired about the speaker’s comments.

Hannity inquired “You once worked for the Alliance Defense Fund – a Christian advocacy group. And comments you made both in writing and advocacy for this group about homosexuality, calling it sinful destructive and not supporting gay marriage, quote, ‘no clear right to sodomy in the Constitution.’ You have been getting hammered on this. And I wanna ask you about it. I wanna know exactly, you know, where you stand. Some of these comments were 15 years ago.”

Johnson responded by stating, “I don’t even remember some of them. I was a litigator that was called upon to defend the state marriage amendments. If you remember back in the early 2000s, I think there [were] over 35 states, somewhere in that number, that the people went to the ballot in their respective states and they amended their state constitutions to say marriage is one man and one woman. Well, I was a religious liberty defense and was called to defend those cases in the courts.”

The post Speaker Johnson Goes For The Jugular On Key Biden “Coverup” appeared first on The Republic Brief.

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