Steve Bannon Declares a HOLY WAR Against the Deep State

Iconic host of the War Room program, Steve Bannon, who is a former top advisor for President Donald J. Trump,  delivered a brazen speech to the attendees of the Turning Point USA political conference in West Palm Beach, Florida on Saturday, slamming Republicans.

Bannon, who is a Republican, has been the most high-profile advocate for the MAGA movement to date and has used his expertise in politics, media, and activism to shape an action-oriented political movement- to move the needle for populist policies both from within the party and upon Congress and voters.

Bannon highlighted the same style of winning policies that he used to help President Trump in 2016, which all have the American people benefitting from their public servants again.

Numerous people online reacted to the speech saying it was a perfect example of why Bannon is called the “Honey Badger.”

And Bannon added so much more to his speech that should entice people to make sure they make their way to their polling places to vote and possibly even get active in the political process to make sure this dream list of action actually happens.

In Bannon’s Populist way, he pointed out to the Republicans that they are missing the sweet spot of the political movement for Trump’s supporters, who are demanding better policies and more government transparency.

And Bannon told them that they had better shape up if they wanted to win the White House in 2024.

Media reports show that as Bannon took the stage, he wasted no time sharing just how urgent it is for Republicans to get their act together.

“We don’t have time for a diversion. We need to be focused right now on the election apparatuses in Wisconsin, Georgia, and Arizona, get behind Donald Trump, and get serious about taking this country back.”

Bannon then turned it up a notch and boldly declared: “This is a crusade. This is a holy war against the Deep State. Donald Trump is our instrument for retribution!”

He continued, “I don’t want to hear Glenn Youngkin in a vest, I don’t want to hear Kemp’s with his Georgia accent,” mocking the typical tactics of the Political Washington DC consultant class, who lazily believe the same losing tactics will get people motivated to go out and vote for Republicans.


BREAKING: Steve Bannon announces a HOLY WAR against the Deep State

— Jack Poso (@JackPosobiec) July 16, 2023

Besides declaring a holy war against the deep state, Bannon made some very interesting comments regarding what documents Trump plans to declassify in 2025, which should provide some extra incentive to the American people to do their civic duty and vote in Nov. 2024.

Bannon told the audience, “On the afternoon of the 20th (January 20th) … he’s going to declassify everything!.”

“And I’m gonna throw in two more for bonus,” he continued, “the assassination attempt on George Wallace, so we covered everybody. And under Bill Barr, we’re going to take the file on Jeffrey Epstein and see who murdered him under Bill Barr. And every foreign intelligence apparatus that worked with him, it’s all coming out.”

The Vigilant Fox caught it all:

Steve Bannon Vows Trump Will Declassify Assassination Documents on JFK, RFK, Malcolm X, and MLK Jr.

“On the afternoon of the 20th [of Jan, 2025] … he’s going to declassify everything!” announced Steve Bannon.

“We’re going to release all the assassination files on John F.…

— The Vigilant Fox (@VigilantFox) July 16, 2023

Here’s what Trump’s going to do. On the afternoon of the 20th [of Jan, 2025] after he takes the oath, going to go up to the White House. No lunch. No lunch with the big swells. No lunch in the Capitol with all these guys. Forget that. Forget that.

He’s going to go up, and before he even has a parade, he’s going to do the following: he’s going to declassify everything! Who are they trying to hold (the info from)? We know the enemy’s The Chinese Communist Party, the KGB, the Mullahs, and the administrative State.

They’re trying to keep the information from you. You’re the most powerful force in the history of mankind. The Revolution. The Civil War. World War II. There is nothing [that has] ever defeated the American people. And an informed American citizen, with the consent of the governed that does not comply needs that information.

You know what we’re first going to do? We’re going to release all the assassination files on John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, and Bobby Kennedy. And I’m gonna throw in two more for bonus — the assassination attempt on George Wallace, so we covered everybody. And under Bill Barr, we’re going to take the file on Jeffrey Epstein and see who murdered him under Bill Barr. And every foreign intelligence apparatus that worked with him, it’s all coming out.

We’re going to go over the CIA. We’re going to release everything. We’re going to declassify it all. Do you know why? We’re going to start with the declassification of the 25 heroes that were CIA agents embedded in Beijing and throughout China that were murdered. Why? Because a mole turned their names over.

We need all the investigative files. Can the American people handle that? You think they can handle it? We’re going to release it all. All of it’s going to be declassified because the reason they classify it is to keep the information from you.

The post Steve Bannon Declares a HOLY WAR Against the Deep State appeared first on The Republic Brief.

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