The Disturbing Pattern of Biden’s Ignorance Towards Former Officials’ Safety

Despite the looming threats from Iran to former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and his associate, Brian Hook, their security protections have been unjustifiably revoked by the previous President Donald Trump. They have fallen victim to Trump’s vengeful tendencies just shortly after his comeback to the political arena. An unidentified congressional personnel member and an insider have confirmed this sudden, baseless change, leaving a sense of concern and fear.

Ruthlessly, Pompeo and Hook were informed of their precarious condition only hours before it became effective. It’s evident that such a decision is part of a string of harsh measures Trump has been initiating against those he perceives as opponents, reiterating his uncompromising approach to dissent.

Undoubtedly, this unfair treatment is not new in Trump’s track record. Previously, he had revoked the security clearance and the Secret Service protection for John Bolton, his former national security advisor. Bolton, who had faced assassination attempts from Iran, expressed disappointment but found no surprise in such an action from Trump’s end.

It was not only Bolton who faced backlash, but also numerous ex-intelligence officers who criticized the suspicious narrative surrounding the Hunter Biden laptop situation, referring to it as potentially a ‘Russian information operation.’ Those who dared to voice these concerns suddenly found their security clearances revoked by Trump.

Trump’s personal grudges have been apparent, as reflected in his public disapproval of Pompeo, revealing that he will never participate in his administration. This week, he went a step further by terminating the duties of Brian Hook as a presidentially selected member of the Wilson Center, thereby leaving no stone unturned in his crusade against perceived adversaries.

When questioned about these reckless changes regarding Pompeo and Hook’s security status, Trump provided an infamously dismissive response. Mocking the very idea of protective details, he trivialized the severe risks involved in leaving these former officials exposed in their own country.

This recklessness persisted even when the conversation moved to Bolton’s case. In a blatant disregard for the welfare of his former staff, Trump repeated the same argument, an essential testament to his carefree attitude regarding matters of severe importance.

In stark contrast, the Biden administration, in a considerate move, had ensured constant protective measures through the Diplomatic Security Service for Pompeo and Hook’s safety since they left their offices in tandem with Trump. However, because of Trump, these safety measures were abruptly halted.

The tensions between Pompeo, Hook, and Iran can be traced back to their advocating for an aggressive stance against the Islamic Republic. They led the U.S.’s ‘maximum pressure’ strategy against Iran after Trump pulled out from the nuclear pact in 2018, thereby stirring up an diplomatic hornet’s nest.

The duo’s active role in campaigning against Iran intensified after the demise of Iran Revolutionary Guard commander Qassem Soleimani in January 2020, leading Iran to blame them for his death. Consequently, providing adequate security protection to these former officials was not a matter of luxury but rather a question of life and death.

A congressional report in March 2022 revealed that the State Department was spending more than $2 million a month on ensuring round-the-clock security for Pompeo and Hook, clearly indicating the seriousness of the situation. The cost involved was substantial, but the inherent need was paramount.

Subsequent reports remained ambiguous about the financial implications of such heightened security, not disclosing a specific amount. However, the emphasis on protection was not diminished, with notifications persistently reinforcing the need for such measures due to the ‘serious and credible’ threats against the two former officials.

The Biden administration officials had previously informed the Trump officials about the persistent threat imposed by Iran against Pompeo, Hook, Bolton, and others, and their need for extended protection. Garnering minimal interest, the warnings fell on deaf ears and were largely ignored.

Indeed, being aware of such ‘active threats,’ the Trump administration officials chose to ignore them, labeling their actions as ‘highly irresponsible.’ They seemed too engrossed in their political maneuvering to attend to the immediate safety concerns of former governmental officials.

This incident paints a bleak picture of the disregard shown by top ranking officials for the safety of their former colleagues. It further substantiates the growing concerns over a political environment that seems more interested in engaging in rivalries than in ensuring the well-being and security of its own people.

In the end, one can’t help but question if this is what has become of a country once admired for its unity and fairness. The utter disinterest to the plight of those who served their country selflessly is not just deeply disappointing, but it also profoundly dishonors the principles the country was built upon.

The Disturbing Pattern of Biden’s Ignorance Towards Former Officials’ Safety appeared first on Real News Now.

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