The [DS] Is Losing In The Court Of Public Opinion, Panic In DC,Year Of The Boomerang – Ep. 3122

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Click On Picture To See Larger PictureThe economic system is breaking down and the people of each country are seeing this. The [CB] is testing the water to see how the people and countries will accept [CBDC], this is not working out to well for the [CB], the people are rejecting it, [FF] will be used to push the people into it. The [DS] is now on trial, the are being judged by we the people, it is the court of public opinion, this is the highest court and the [DS] is panicking about this. Everything they tried to do to Trump is now boomeranging on them and they cannot stop it. In the end the people will demand military tribunals.



After Nobel Prize Scientist Declares ‘There Is No Real Climate Crisis’ – He is Abruptly Canceled for IMF Climate Talk: Claim

Scientist John Clauser, who won a Nobel prize in physics last year, had been scheduled to give a speech at a climate seminar hosted by the International Monetary Fund, according to the CO2Coaltion’s website.
The site describes his presentation as having been “summarily canceled” and technically labeled postponed.


The site offered a reason: “According to an email he received last evening, the Director of the Independent Evaluation Office of the International Monetary Fund, Pablo Moreno, had read the flyer for John’s July 25 Zoom talk and summarily and immediately canceled the talk.”
The website Climate Depot has noted that Clauser has confronted President Joe Biden and criticized Biden’s climate change agenda.
Clauser joined the board of the CO2Coalition recently, and lashed out at the current state of science around climate change, according to a post on the group‘s website.
He has been quoted as telling addressed the Korea Quantum Conference “I don’t believe there is a climate crisis.”

Do you agree that climate change is based on “pseudoscience”?


CBDCs: A Weapon For Debanking The Banked lists three countries or regions with retail CBDCs already “launched” (Bahamas, Jamaica and Nigeria), another five in “pilot” stage, and another twenty in “proof of concept” stage. Many more have at least researched wholesale CBDCs. (“Wholesale” CBDCs are intended for commercial and central bank use and the like, while “retail” CBDCs are intended for the rest of us). A report by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) released just this month summarizes the results of a survey of 86 central banks and concludes that “there could be 15 retail and nine wholesale CBDCs publicly circulating in 2030.”
When you read statements from high-level officials of the BIS, central banks, and governments, you get the impression that CBDCs are an exciting development in the evolution of money.
 when a CBDC was thrust upon the Nigerian people, adoption rates were abysmal at best (below 0.5 percent even a year after its launch), and Nigerians took to the streets to demand access to cash. CBDCs are widely unpopular in the United States as well. A CATO Institute national survey published just in May found that only 16 percent of Americans support the idea, and over twice as many (34 percent) oppose it. 78 percent responded that if a CBDC were offered, they would be unlikely to use it altogether. As for partisanship, while Democrats were twice as likely to support a CBDC than Republicans (22 percent for Democrats, 11 percent for Republicans), just as many Democrats oppose it, and the remaining 56 percent respond that they “don’t know.”



Divers Discover Body of Paddle Boarder in Pond on Obama’s Martha’s Vineyard Mansion – 911 Call Came From Obama Residence!

A body of a 43-year-old paddle boarder was found in a pond on Obama’s Martha’s Vineyard mansion.

The 911 call came from Obama’s residence late Sunday night.
Police were searching for a missing black male paddle boarder in Edgartown Great Pond Sunday night.


According to reports, another paddleboarder saw the unidentified 43-year-old struggle to stay afloat on the surface before he drowned.
“After several hours of searching last night, efforts to locate the missing paddle boarder were unsuccessful and the operation was paused to allow dive teams, flight crews, and other responders to re-equip and assess next steps. Search assets are currently resuming operations at this time.” Massachusetts State Police said in a statement.

The Daily Mail reported:


The dispatch address for the incident came from Obama’s Martha’s waterfront Vineyard home. It is unclear if the former president, 61, is currently staying at the estate.

It’s Martha’s Vineyard.  The whitest place in the USA.
How many black males not related to Barack Obama are on the Island?


Hunter Biden’s attorneys have filed an ethics complaint against Georgia Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, petitioning the Office of Congressional Ethics on Friday to “decisively condemn and discipline” Greene after her recent presentation where she displayed sexually explicit (censored) photos from the laptop from hell, showing Hunter naked and snorting drugs with alleged prostitutes. Greene warned parents at the beginning of her presentation.
Anyone can view the photos, uncensored, online, and the attorneys don’t appear to be claiming that the photos aren’t real or that their client didn’t engage in the activity. Instead, Hunter Biden’s attorneys claim it is too obscene to put the photos on display in the People’s House.
If the Office of Congressional Ethics finds the allegations to be valid they have the ability to transfer the complaint to the House Ethics Committee for action.
The complaint accuses Greene of “harassing and embarrassing” Hunter Biden.


“To summarize in one sentence, the FBI has evidence suggesting that when Joe Biden was vice president, he and other members of his family, sold influence over U.S. foreign policy in exchange for millions of dollars from a Ukrainian energy company,” explains Federalist Staff Writer Evita Duffy-Alfonso.


Hunter Biden would dial in his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, on speakerphone into meetings with his overseas business partners, according to testimony expected before Congress this week from Devon Archer, the first son’s former best friend.
Archer, 48, who is facing jail for his role in a $60 million bond fraud, is scheduled to testify to the House Oversight Committee about meetings he witnessed that were attended by Joe Biden either in person or via speakerphone when Hunter would call his father and introduce him to foreign business partners or prospective investors.


  forward to speaking with Devon Archer about this developing story.

Pelosi ignored warning signs on January 6th and even got giddy when J6 events began to unfold. “I’ve been waiting for this,” she said at the time about how she wanted to punch Trump. …and she impeached Trump for that too. Really makes you think…

Joe Biden is the most corrupt President in the history of the United States, which is being undeniably proven in the House of Representatives every single day. But with all of these horrible revelations and facts, why hasn’t Republican “leadership” in the Senate spoken up and rebuked Crooked Joe Biden and the Radical Left Democrats, Fascists, and Marxists for their criminal acts against our Country, some of them against me. How long does America have to wait for the Senate to ACT?

Geopolitical/Police State

Tremendous Media Censorship going on in the USA. What they don’t cover is almost as bad as how dishonestly they do cover events, people, and “things.” This is a very DARK TIME IN AMERICA!


Anonymous ID: grTMpzrL No.147440171
Oct 31 2017 22:58:00 (EST)

Why does Obama travel in advance of POTUS to foreign locations?
Why is this relevant?
Focus on the power of POTUS as it relates to the Marines.
How can MI be applied to prosecute bad actors and avoid corrupt agencies and judges?
Biggest drop on Pol.
Above is reason why the shills are sliding. In case you didn’t know, shills log and send new info back to ASF for instruction. They use a 5 prong pre packaged injection (one post auto generates four more at random designated times). Common drive of posts they all tap into. Since they misjudged the influence of the MSM they are aggressively looking to censor throughout major platforms in exchange for CIA slush funds and WW access for expansion of said networks. Everything they do has been forecasted and prepared for.

Netanyahu Defies Biden, Opposition Protests; Passes First Judicial Reform

Israel Passes Justice Reform, Biden Insurrectionists Try to Storm Israeli Parliament, 300,000 Patriots March in Support of Right-Wing Government  

Biden-supported violent insurrectionists tried to blockade the Israeli parliament today to prevent the democratically elected government from passing judicial reform. Old Yeller failed at a last-ditch effort to try and save the Soros-leftist sway over Israel’s Supreme Court. The Knesset passed the most important part of the jusitice reform.

The patriotic Israeli government coalition voted to remove the Supreme Court’s power to strike down laws and cabinet nominees based on “unreasonableness” today. All 64 members of the ruling coalition voted in favor, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who was released from hospital on Monday morning following a pacemaker implant. Opposition lawmakers boycotted the third and final vote – a typical sore loser insurrectionist move.



‘Order, order, order’: Macron calls for ‘return to authority’ after French riots over death of Nahel

President Emmanuel Macron said Monday that France needed a “return to authority at every level” in response to recent riots sparked by the fatal police shooting of a teenage driver.

“Our country needs a return to authority at every level, starting with the family,” Macron said.
The president also reiterated his previous criticism of the role of social networks during the riots and looting, saying “public digital order” was needed “to stop excesses”.
Macron sparked outrage earlier this month with calls to “cut off” social media amid widespread unrest.
He said many young people used social media to organise meetups and riots.
Macron went on to say more investment must be made in providing youth with alternatives to protesting and fomenting unrest.



Russia Accuses Ukraine of Killing Journalist With US Cluster Bombs

The US has said Ukraine is using cluster munitions ‘effectively’

The Russian Defense Ministry said that Rostislav Zhuravlev, a reporter for Russia’s RIA news agency, was killed, and three other journalists were wounded by a Ukrainian artillery attack.


Ukraine Says Drone Attacks To “Increase In Scale” After Overnight Moscow Attack

Russia’s Foreign Ministry has denounced “an act of international terrorism” by Ukrainian forces after a drone attack on Moscow which damaged multiple buildings in the city’s center.
The defense ministry had described that “electronic warfare systems jammed two Ukrainian drones, causing them to crash,” and that no one was hurt, however with images showing significant damage to at least one non-residential building.

 Ukraine’s military intelligence, in a rare moment of Kiev taking responsibility for an operation deep inside Russian territory said the drones “testify to the fact that the Putin regime is unable to fully control the sky even for the protection of the most important facilities.”
“Obviously, this situation will continue and increase in scale,” Yusov added.


Trump: I Want Everyone to Stop Dying 


No one wins in war. People say they want to see Ukraine decimate Russian troops, perhaps even all of Russia. Do they realize what they are saying? The people on the battlefield are not the decision-makers. They are young men and women who have barely had enough time to experience this world. They have no say in politics or the logistics of warfare. Many do not even wish to be there but have no choice. Every time you hear of soldiers dying, those are someone’s children, grandchildren, cousins, friends — you get the picture.



False Flags

 and booster vaccine may or may not have had any effect.   This insightful critique is exactly what the FBI and Dept of Homeland Sec. have been attempting to censor. Only this time it made it into The New England Journal Of Medicine .

CDC Changed Definition Of Breakthrough COVID-19 After Emails About ‘Vaccine Failure’

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) altered its definition of COVID-19 cases among the vaccinated, leading to a lower number of cases classified as a breakthrough, according to documents obtained by The Epoch Times.
The CDC in early 2021 defined the post-vaccination cases as people testing positive seven or more days after receipt of a primary vaccination series, according to one of the documents.
The definition was changed on Feb. 2, 2021, to only include cases detected at least 14 days after a primary series, another document shows.
“We have revised the case definition,” Dr. Marc Fisher, the lead of the CDC’s Vaccine Breakthrough Case Investigation Team, wrote to colleagues at the time.
The rationale for the change was redacted.

Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, professor health policy at Stanford University, said that the CDC should have been focused on advising people that they weren’t as protected immediately after vaccination.
“Rather than playing games with the definition of breakthrough cases,” Dr. Bhattacharya told The Epoch Times in an email, the CDC should have warned “recently vaccinated vulnerable older people that they were at higher risk for being infected during that period.”


The CDC excluded some post-vaccination cases because they did not meet the updated definition, the documents show, providing an inflated view of vaccine effectiveness.
One document, for instance, shows that Kansas in early 2021 reported 37 cases among the vaccinated.
Thirty-four were not counted because they occurred after receipt of one dose, not two. A primary series for both vaccines was two doses until recently, with the second dose not advised until at least 21 days after the first dose.
The other three cases happened after a second dose, but they were not counted as breakthrough cases by the CDC because they happened within 13 days of completion of a primary series, Dr. Fisher informed colleagues in an email.
On Jan. 29, 2021, the CDC learned in a call with Maryland health officials that a cluster appeared to stem from a person who was vaccinated with a single dose before experiencing symptoms. A CDC official said it was a “possible breakthrough case,” but the case would not have been counted under the earlier or later breakthrough definition.
The CDC initially floated (pdf) counting a person as “fully vaccinated” as early as seven days after completion of a primary series but ultimately settled on 14 days after completion.


Landmark Pre-Trial Hearing Granted in Worker’s Compensation Lawsuit: Ohio Nurse Coerced to Receive COVID-19 Vaccine, Resulting in Severe Neurological Disorder 

Danielle Baker, an experienced registered nurse, is gearing up to take her former employer, Ohio’s Hospice Inc., to court after she was coerced to receive the Pfizer mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. After developing a serious neurological condition known as “transverse myelitis” post-vaccination, Baker will see her day in court early next year.
Baker is a seasoned healthcare professional specializing in hospice and palliative care for two decades. She spent the last 17 years caring for her patients in hospice care.
However, her life took a drastic turn in June 2021, when her employer allegedly issued a directive, mandating COVID-19 vaccination by July 2021 for all employees intending to maintain their benefits. Pressed by the need to provide for her family, Baker reluctantly received the Pfizer vaccine.

Baker received her first dose of the vaccine on June 4, 2021. Her condition began to deteriorate rapidly following her second dose on June 26.


Per Mayo Clinic, “transverse myelitis interrupts the messages that the spinal cord nerves send throughout the body. This can cause pain, muscle weakness, paralysis, sensory problems, or bladder and bowel dysfunction.”
Baker’s worker’s compensation lawsuit (Danielle Baker v Ohio’s Hospice, Inc, et al, Case No. 23 CV 117) has been fought tooth and nail by her former employer, seeking its dismissal.
However, Judge Jeannine Pratt sided with Baker, stating that her case deserves to be heard. The pre-trial hearing is slated for January 11, 2024, at the Miami County Courthouse in Troy, OH.


Newsom muscles Temecula school board into accepting his wokester curriculum … or else


The Temecula Valley Unified School Board held an emergency meeting to adopt the elementary curriculum, though it will pull one fourth grade unit that discusses the gay rights movement for further review, the Los Angeles Times reported.

In May, the school board voted 3-2 to reject the elementary social studies curriculum that mentions gay rights activist Harvey Milk, and did so again last week. School board President Joseph Komrosky referred to California’s first openly gay elected official as a “pedophile” and questioned why he would be featured, calling it “morally reprehensible,” The Bee reported.

 Newsom not only threatened the district with a $1.5 million fine if they didn’t play ball with his pre-chosen textbook contractor and its wokester curriculum, which featured a section on the greatness of gay elected leader Harvey Milk, who also had a record of sexual coercion and pedophilia, Newsom also used menacing language in his statement about it, and implied that a “civil rights investigation” he had launched against them would have a rigged, preordained result. Look at how he uses language here:



In doing this, Newsom outs himself as a political thug, with nothing but contempt for local rule.



Statement from Michigan House Elections Vice Chair: 2020 Trump Electors are Innocent

Last week, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel announced charges against 16 Trump electors who submitted their votes as alternates amidst belief that there would be an honest investigation into the 2020 election.

The charges include forgery, election fraud, and conspiracy.

Michigan’s House Elections Vice Chair, Rep. Rachelle Smit, has released a statement arguing that what the electors did was “completely legal, completely valid, and anticipating that there would be an honest investigation into Michigan voter fraud.” 

“The Trump electors were preserving the ability for a voter fraud investigation to happen after December 15, 2020.  The Trump electors committed no forgery, no fraud, and zero violation of Michigan’s election laws.  Dana Nessel knows this, but she brought charges against these people anyway.  Our Michigan AG is an absolute disgrace to the rule of law.  This is a political prosecution by an attorney general who shamelessly abuses the law for the basest of political motives.  Dana Nessel, as attorney general, is a threat to the rule of law and our system of governance.”

From Fox2 on Nov 17, 2020:




Every time you see these Radical Lunatics and their partners in the Fake News Media talking about the “Trials and Tribulations” of President Donald J. Trump, please remember that it is all a coordinated HOAX, just like Russia, Russia, Russia, the “No Collusion” Mueller Witch Hunt, the Fake Dossier, FISA Fraud, and all of the rest, in order to STEAL ANOTHER ELECTION through PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT at levels never seen before in the U.S. Deranged Jack Smith has already spent over $25,000,000!!!


Anonymous ID: zGyR4tyi No.147643257
Nov 2 2017 13:12:06 (EST)

Anonymous ID: taaOHN6t No.147642589
Nov 2 2017 13:06:03 (EST)


ive watched as society has been effectively addicted to msm, apps, social media, games, music, all propaganda and the moment you try to open anyone eyes. you. are. shunned.
being dumbed down, weakened and groomed for passivity and stupidity through food and their addictions. like calf literally being fattened for a slaughter.and with all the race war propaganda and pizzagate possibility, i became suicidal because i cant stand that no one will open their eyes and are being manipulated hard.

i hope with all of my heart that Trump is going to make good on his promise to maga and clean the swamp. ive been thinking about joining the navy for corpsman greenside, and i would love to serve under a Trump administration if he really does clean swamp, (will try to join regardless no openings for corpsman right now though). I hope that what OPanon says is true. i will be praying for OPanon and all who risk their lives, for safety and that the Lord will guide them. and praying that what he says is true. and will be praying for the spiritual edification of God for Trump and for his complete safety in all of this. The pieces are coming together for me. and if this is true, those working with him are absolute geniuses because i would have never imagined their would be any way possible to take the monster of corruption that has overtaken this country.

Dear Patriot.
We hear you.
We hear all Americans such as yourself.
The time has come to take back our great land.
The time is now.
Rest assured POTUS is backed by the absolute finest people alive who are all dedicated to the eradication evil and corruption from the US/World.
Find peace.
God is with us.
God bless and be safe.
-The WH

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

Do you think that A.G. Garland, and Deranged Jack Smith, understand that we are in the middle of a major political campaign for President of the United States? Have they looked at recent poll numbers? Why didn’t they bring these ridiculous charges years before – Why did they wait to bring them NOW – A virtually unheard of scenario? PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT! ELECTION INTERFERENCE!

Biden’s Relentless Lawfare Against Trump Could Backfire
Public opinion in the country is everything – Abraham Lincoln. 

In 1887, eminent thinker Wallace F. Campbell, writing in The North American Review, introduced the often-used term of today: The Court of Public Opinion.

As cataloged by the Library of Congress, Campbell wrote:

It is commonly supposed that courts, juries, and counsel constitute the proper tribunal ordained by the people for the trial of alleged criminals. It has remained for the author of the “Court of Public Opinion” to assume that such is not the case, and that the machinery of justice exists merely for the purpose of automatically registering the prejudiced decision of a self-constituted tribunal … a trial court whose judgment is infallible, and from whose decision no appeal lies, is a very unsafe tribunal for the people of this country to adopt.


But the Democrats could be miscalculating big time.

What we have seen over the years is that every time the Deep State tries to hurt President Trump, his poll numbers rise, and he is able to fund-raise even more than before. It is an inexplicable reaction that frustrates Democrats, who fail to understand that most Americans are honest, ethical, and busy individuals, committed to caring for their families, attending church, and being active in the community. Most voters do not understand the complexities of national security laws. Nor do they believe that Trump committed felony violations by participating in a conspiracy to obstruct justice.

Voters may not remember their civics classes, but they know that Trump has always cared about America’s standing in the world. From the moment he descended the escalator at Trump Tower in 2015, Trump’s brand is that he wants America to win. Even in television interviews in the late 1980s and 1990s, Trump’s single-most consistent grievance against American officials was that they let foreigners take advantage of America and get ahead at the nation’s cost. For Trump watchers, the Make America Great Again campaign started more than 30 years ago.

So how could such an individual wilfully bring harm to America? It is a question that baffles the average voter, and Jack Smith’s attempts to prove that Trump obstructed justice ring hollow. On the contrary, voters examine recent history and conclude that the Deep State obstructed justice against Trump in every instance since 2015.

 (Well, at least they’re saying the quiet part out loud now.) • Anyone that opposes war…because as you know, nothing is more “extreme” than not wanting to drone bomb kids and fight by proxy wars for Lindsay Graham and the rest of the murderers over at the banks and the military industrial complex. • People that don’t think they should be paying income taxes because Congress violated the Constitution in the first place to push it through by lying to everyone…which is actually 100% accurate. They did the same thing with the Federal Reserve. • Anyone that opposes the Feds restricting their 2nd amendment rights, even though it’s literally within our rights to. • Anyone with a better explanation to all these mass shootings and domestic terrorist attacks than our lying ass government who blatantly committed some of them and allowed others to happen while poorly covering it up. (9/11, Oklahoma Bombing, Ruby Ridge, Las Vegas shooting, anyone?) • Anyone who opposes open borders, which is most people…so good luck with that. • Anyone against abortion because hey…Planned Parenthood isn’t buying off politicians for nothing. • Anyone that considers themselves a “Patriot” because….well, you’re getting in the way of them destroying the country you love, silly! • Anyone that brings up the US Constitution, you know…that thing that restricts these assholes from doing the exact same things they’re doing now. • Supports a 3rd party candidate, because how dare you not vote for the useless, shit candidates the parties shove down our throats every election cycle! These people need to maintain their privileged status quo! • Anyone that wants to audit the Federal Reserve… because how dare you want to know how they keep losing track of trillions of dollars! (Meanwhile they hired 87,000 IRS agents to nickel and dime the rest of us about what we sell on EBay.) • Anyone that opposes a carbon tax to a World Bank. (Yes, that’s literally how they word it too, but I’m glad that was also considered just a “conspiracy theory.”) • And finally…anyone that opposes the United Nations or the WHO, even though the UN has been raping women and children in 3rd world countries for decades and the WHO just tried to kill everyone with a poisoned shot over a virus they also illegally made in a lab to kill and control everybody. If I had been a war veteran…I would have dinged for all 13 out of 13 of these. Read between these lines and it becomes clear that our country has been taken over by bad actors, and this is the “defense” against honest Americans and patriots from being vocal in wanting to take it back. No one is coming to save us and we’re not voting our way out of this. A war of misinformation and manipulation can only be won with the truth…and with FOX dead in the water between firing Tucker and apparently donating money to literal Satanists…we must defend alternative sites like Twitter, Bitchute, Rumble, and GAB with everything we have. Stop complying to tyranny, stop paying taxes to the people trying to kill you and rape your kids, and stop letting these people get away with doing whatever the hell they want. They only have “power” because we let them…and I no longer consent to this illegitimate, out of control government that hates me. 


Jul 24, 2019 12:22:53 PM EDT
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 202ace No. 7163488 

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