Governor Tim Walz (D-MN) finds himself mired in a turbulent controversy as a forceful communique from the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce has been uncovered, revealing a seemingly fabricated story from the potential Vice President. During his 2006 electoral pursuit, Walz stated that he had received an accolade from the very Chamber, a claim which appears to be unfounded.
Evidence of the claim was unearthed by Alpha News, showcased in a letter from Barry L. Kennedy, the then leader of the organisation. He pleas with Walz to address and rectify the false statement. Chris Sloan, who currently helms the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce, later corroborated to The Daily Wire that this corrective letter was indeed dispatched back in ’06.
Kennedy’s letter bluntly advised Walz, ‘After thorough investigation, we have found that you have not, in fact, been granted any award from the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce’. Kennedy insisted that Walz rectify the erroneous award citation on his electoral website, even highlighting that the Chamber had endorsed Walz’s rival in the race.
Kennedy’s letter held back from conjecturing on Walz’s motives for including the false claim in his biography, offering the benefit of the doubt. However, scrutiny over Walz’s actions has intensified recently due to further revelations around his personal life and public statements.
Recently, significant controversy erupted around Walz’s claims of using In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), the advanced reproductive technology to father his children. Not only was the nature of his claim contested but also the context he used it in – to assail Republicans over what he termed ‘reproductive rights’.
In clarification to The New York Times last week, the Harris campaign outlined that Walz and his spouse had used a process known as Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), rather than IVF. The procedure, which takes place within a woman’s body and does not involve discarding human embryos, hardly catches the attention of pro-life campaigners, unlike IVF.
Walz’s erroneous IVF claim had become a refrain on the electoral campaign, with a classic instance being evidenced in his fundraising letter from April. It stated, ‘My wife and I used I.V.F. to start a family.’ The Democrat VP nominee even sensationalized, saying he ‘wouldn’t even have a family’ if Republican opponent JD Vance had any sway.
Additional points of contention centered around the number of Minnesota ‘Teacher of the Year’ awards that Walz claimed to have won. Sources include his campaign ads, local newspaper publications, and still currently, a candidate biography site. Yet, a thorough check by The Daily Wire’s Ashe Schow revealed a different reality – Tim Walz had never actually won this prestigious accolade.
Walz’s testimonies about his 1995 arrest for drunk driving also raised eyebrows. Venturing back in time, a Nebraska trooper had pulled him over for exceeding the speed limit. His breath bore the smell of alcohol, which led to a field sobriety test and a blood-alcohol level check, both of which Walz failed. He spent the night in incarceration and was later convicted of driving under the influence, as court records indicate.
However, during his run for Congress, the narrative spun by Walz’s campaign took a stark deviation. Contrary to court records, they repeatedly asserted that Walz had not been under the influence of alcohol. Their explanation for the failed sobriety test was an alleged ‘hearing loss’ Walz endured during his stint in the National Guard.
Questions have been raised by many about these less than congruent narratives. However, thus far, the Harris-Walz campaign has remained silent, choosing not to engage or provide any explanation for these discrepancies.
Most notably, questions have arisen around Walz’s military service record as well. He served in the National Guard, that much is not under debate. However, claims of seeing combat in the Middle East and retiring with the high rank of command sergeant major, as he repeatedly narrated, have come under scrutiny.
Such controversies and inaccuracies in claims have ignited serious debates about the credibility of the prospective vice-president. With each new revelation, the turbulent clouds around Governor Tim Walz’s public persona appear to thicken.
The Nebraska Chamber of Commerce had to write a letter to Tim Walz’s Congressional campaign to remove an award he never received from them.
Going on to clarify that the Chamber had endorsed his opponent.
Is there anything Tim Walz hasn’t lied about?
— Dustin Grage (@GrageDustin) August 24, 2024
Tim Walz Exposed By Nebraska Chamber Of Commerce For Lying appeared first on Real News Now.