Ex-President Donald Trump, in one of his recent discussions, hinted at the dire need for an investigation into the actions of former President Joe Biden. Trump raised an almost humorous, yet tragic point about Biden’s failure to grant himself a pardon before vacating the White House. Such an omission not only reflects a lack of foresight but also possibly a veiled confidence in escaping justice.
Elaborating on the topic, Trump criticized Biden’s strategy of shielding his kin and political confidants using his pardoning powers. Curiously, the one person left out in the rain was himself. It’s interesting for Biden to oversee this blind spot, though patience is key when observing the self-serving gestures of the politically ambitious.
While Trump refrained from explicitly stating the particular offenses Biden should face, the insinuations were clear. Accusations of the Biden family’s opportunistic monetization of their connection to the ex-president have been circulating. It would seem that the lines between the public good and personal gain were more than a little blurred under Biden’s watch.
Trump, having himself navigated the convoluted labyrinth of the US legal system post his term, expressed his belief that Biden deserves the same treatment. His journey was marked by long, grueling years of litigation, resulting in a staggering expenditure on legal fees. However, he triumphed against all odds, a testament to his resilience and unwavering resolve.
“But the journey was tough,” Trump conceded, asserting with conviction that Biden should face a similar grueling legal examination too. To use the pardon power for personal and political gains is a severe aberration of justice. So why should Biden and his allies escape the same plight that Trump bravely faced?
Regardless of the hardship encountered, Trump emerged victorious, even in challenging cases such as the Stormy Daniels issue. His triumph over allegations of false business records and controversial defiance against returning classified documents only solidifies his claim that he was obeying the law. Biden, on the other hand, seems to dwell in gray areas when it comes to abiding by the same law.
When questioned about his probable directives for the attorney general nominee to probe Biden and the people he pardoned last-minute, Trump’s response was telling. According to him, those who were given respite under Biden’s pardon are now obligated to be witnesses. The right to refrain from self-incrimination, also known as ‘taking the 5th,’ no longer applies to them.
Trump’s allusion was, undoubtedly, aimed at the Biden clan and numerous individuals associated with the panel that examined the January 6, 2021, Capitol riot. It’s not an unheard concept that those pardoned still carry an undeniable responsibility to be honest and forthcoming in any hearings or investigations that may arise.
The possibility of Congress, currently under GOP control, delving into the murky waters of Biden’s secretive pardons was also considered. When asked about this, Trump’s response was remarkably diplomatic. He stated that the decision should rest with Congress.
The overall verity of Trump’s remarks implies a clear disapproval of Biden’s misuse of pardoning power. Rather than using it to serve the cause of justice, Biden has apparently transformed this constitutional provision into an underhanded method of shielding family and political allies.
By choosing not to forgive himself, Biden has unwittingly exposed himself to the rigorous scrutiny he may be subjected to in the future. In Trump’s view, it reveals Biden’s naivety at best, and at worst, his complacency over the possibility of escaping trial.
Trump not only managed to overcame a series of legal battles requiring considerable expenditures, but also steered his way through the accusations of illicit activities. By contrast, Biden engaged in actions that seriously question his sense of justice, turning the pardoning power into a refuge for close family members and political confreres.
The course of action proposed by Trump for his attorney general nominee indicates a dire need for thorough investigations into Biden’s deeds. By granting pardons, Biden has unwittingly backed these individuals into a corner, making potential testimonies imminent.
Trump’s veiled comment regarding the involvement of Biden’s family and numerous associated individuals in the Capitol riot investigation hints at the likelihood of undisclosed shenanigans. While those pardoned under Biden are obligated to testify, their testimonies might uncover hidden revelations.
The weight falls on Congress with the decision to probe Biden’s controversial pardons. Interestingly enough, Trump chose to leave the verdict to Congress, which is currently led by the GOP. Will this lead to a comprehensive examination of Biden’s questionable acts?
In a nutshell, Trump’s narrative weaves a tale of potential unchecked wrongdoings and misuse of authority under the Biden administration. His view encourages Americans to consider if the former president indeed misused pardoning powers for personal and political gains, mocking the very essence of justice in the process.
Trump Accuses Biden of Misusing Pardoning Power appeared first on Real News Now.