Trump Declares Monumental Victory After Judge Hands Him Huge Win

The ex-president, Donald Trump, expressed his satisfaction with the outcome as a federal judge determined on Tuesday that the plaintiffs were not permitted to initiate a class action lawsuit against him. Trump exclaimed that it was a “complete victory.”

In 2006, Donald Trump formed a contractual relationship with ACN Opportunity LLC to endorse and promote its marketing training services aimed at independent business entrepreneurs. This information was reiterated by U.S. District Judge Lorna Schofield in her ruling, when she denied the class action complaint.

Subsequent to this, a sequence of agreements ensued, persisting until the month of June in the year 2015, which coincided with the declaration of his presidential bid.

The case was filed by three plaintiffs who asserted that their decision to purchase ACN’s products was influenced by Trump’s support.

Two individuals said that they did not generate any financial gains from the undertaking, but a third individual disclosed a meager income of $38 over a span of two years.

The plaintiffs contended that they were unaware of the fact that Donald Trump was receiving substantial monetary compensation amounting to millions of dollars for his endorsement of ACN.

Schofield determined that the task of delineating a specific group of persons who have been adversely affected by Trump’s support is unfeasible due to the multifaceted nature of persuasion, which can stem from several sources such as personal research on the company, additional marketing materials, and anecdotal information provided by others.

“The majority of the content on the Opportunity Discs [promoting the company] portrayed testimonials from various successful IBOs, highlighting how ACN has enabled them to have, for example, a relaxed work life, expensive cars, and large homes,” the judge pointed out.

“The nature of Trump’s alleged misstatements also raises individual questions of whether any given putative class member believed the statements and therefore relied on them,” Schofield further stated.

She went on to add, “the record evidence shows that some IBOs knew or assumed Trump was a paid spokesperson.”

The assertions made by Trump regarding ACN, including its characterization as a “great opportunity,” possessing a “winning business model,” and a “proven track record” of “creating millionaires,” can be interpreted as conventional promotional exaggerations rather than explicit misrepresentations.

Furthermore, Schofield instructed the three plaintiffs to submit briefs by Tuesday, outlining the reasons why their claims should not be separated from the collective lawsuit and instead be transferred as individual cases to the respective district courts in California, Maryland, and Pennsylvania, where the plaintiffs reside.

In response to the judge’s verdict on Truth Social, former President Trump expressed his satisfaction: “Today we had a Total and Complete Victory against Far Left Lawyer, Roberta Kaplan, on her ridiculous ACN Class Action Suit, yet another Election Interference Case.”

“It was ruled that there can be no Class Action, and Certification was denied!” he exclaimed.

In May, Kaplan served as legal counsel for E. Jean Carroll in a defamation lawsuit against Trump. The lawsuit pertained to Carroll’s claims that Trump sexually assaulted her in the changing room of a department shop during the 1990s.

The ex-president has refuted any knowledge or acquaintance with Carroll.

During his concluding statement in May, attorney Joe Tacopina, representing former President Donald Trump, asserted that the narrative presented by Carroll lacked credibility.

According to Tacopina, “The whole story is clearly an unbelievable work of fiction.”

Tacopina argued that the legal team for Carroll employed a strategy aimed at cultivating a strong aversion towards Trump inside the jury, with the intention of influencing them “enough to ignore the facts.”

In other legal news, an ongoing federal lawsuit against former President Trump, which accuses him of interfering in the 2020 election, is showing signs of weakening. Special counsel Jack Smith recently withdrew a significant subpoena that sought data pertaining to the president’s fundraising activities during that period.

According to a report by The Washington Post, Smith is reducing the number of subpoenas he has issued in order to investigate if President Trump made efforts to solicit funds based on claims that President Joe Biden fraudulently won the 2020 election.

The most recent development concludes a portion of Smith’s investigation into Save America, a political action committee under the control of Trump. This committee allocated significant funds towards legal efforts aimed at challenging the election results in crucial swing states, such as Georgia.

In this state, the Republican party is currently subject to a distinct investigation at the state level, which accuses them of interfering in the election process.

According to two individuals familiar with the situation, Save America had been in the midst of collecting records that were responsive to Smith’s request when it received notification that the demand made by Smith had been withdrawn.

Although it is not uncommon for federal investigations to employ a comprehensive approach, the recent scaling back of efforts indicates that Smith is becoming more circumspect regarding his capacity to establish a connection between President Trump’s influential fundraising apparatus and the allegations of pressuring state officials to agree to alternate delegate boards and contesting the vote tabulation conducted by voting machines.

Source: Western Journal

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