Trump Defeats Dems’ Sneaky Plan To Destroy Him – Catches Them In The Act!

Supporters of Donald Trump have expressed their intention to cast write-in ballots in support of the former president during the upcoming 2024 presidential election, in the event that he is deemed ineligible to run again based on the provisions outlined in the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution.

According to this regulation, those who have sworn an oath to uphold the constitution of the United States, but subsequently participated in acts of insurrection or rebellion, are prohibited from assuming any position, whether it be in the civil or military sector.

Several prominent members of the Democratic Party have speculated that the 14th Amendment may potentially serve as a legal obstacle preventing Donald Trump from pursuing a presidential candidacy in the year 2024.

Among the individuals expressing their perspectives on the matter are Virginia Senator Tim Kaine, who posited the existence of “a powerful argument to be made,” and Representative Adam Schiff, who asserted that the clause in question “fits Donald Trump to a T.”

According to polling data, it is evident that Trump is currently the favored probable Republican candidate among GOP supporters. This situation has the potential to give rise to legal disputes regarding his ability to serve a second term. The ex-president refutes any allegations of misconduct pertaining to his purported endeavors to subvert the outcomes of the 2020 election during the Capitol riot on January 6, 2021. President Trump has consistently voiced his disapproval of the investigation conducted by Special Counsel Jack Smith, asserting that it is driven by political motivations.

Those in favor of Trump have expressed their commitment to continue supporting him as a write-in candidate on X, previously referred to as Twitter, even in the event of his disqualification. In a publication affiliated with Alex Jones, namely National File, writer Charles Downs expressed the view that “A lot of Americans will write in Trump if he is illegally removed off the ballot. That being said, it’s more likely than not SCOTUS [Supreme Court of the United States] will block efforts to kick Trump off the ballot. In America the people, not the Deep State, choose the president.”

A lot of Americans will write in Trump if he is illegally removed off the ballot. That being said, it’s more likely than not SCOTUS will block efforts to kick Trump off the ballot. In America the people, not the Deep State, choose the president.

— Charles R Downs (@TheCharlesDowns) September 2, 2023

Amy Kremer, one of the co-founders of Women for Trump, shared an image depicting the mugshot of the former president in Georgia, along with a statement expressing, “If Trump is removed from the ballot, I will write him in.”

If Trump is removed from the ballot, I will write him in…

— Amy Kremer (@AmyKremer) September 4, 2023

Kremer was the main organizer of the March for Trump cross-country bus tour that culminated with Trump’s speech at the Ellipse in DC on January 6. She and her organization, Women for America First, condemned the violence that a few participated in that day.

Kandiss Taylor, the individual who initiated an unsuccessful primary contest against Georgia’s Republican Governor Brian Kemp in the year 2022, expressed agreement by stating, “Same!”


— Kandiss Taylor (@KandissTaylor) September 5, 2023

An X user who goes by the handle of the Patriot Hammer posted:

“#𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐀 Voters are not playing the game. It’s 𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐌𝐏 no matter what. It’s write-in 𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐌𝐏 or stay home. No other Republican can win without #𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐀”

MUST WATCH #𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐀 Voters are not playing the game. It’s 𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐌𝐏 no matter what. It’s write-in 𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐌𝐏 or stay home.

No other Republican can win without #𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐀

— The Patriot Hammer (@patriot_hammer) August 29, 2023

Trump supporters have been saying they would write in the former president for several months. One X user posted in June:

“I will write-in “Donald Trump” on my ballot in 2024 if I have to. Who else??”

I will write-in “Donald Trump” on my ballot in 2024 if I have to.

Who else??

— Evan Kilgore (@EvanAKilgore) June 14, 2023

The majority of states permit the use of write-in ballots for the presidential election, albeit with the condition that prospective candidates must submit the necessary documentation before the election, indicating their intention to participate as write-in candidates. These write-in ballots are typically treated as separate from the regular ballots.

In a recent post on his Truth Social platform, Trump refuted the assertion that he is disqualified from running for office in 2024 based on the provisions outlined in the 14th Amendment. According to his statement, “Almost all legal scholars have voiced opinions that the 14th Amendment has no legal basis or standing relative to the upcoming 2024 Presidential Election.

“It is just another ‘trick’ being used by the Radical Left Communists, Marxists, and Fascists, to again steal an Election that their candidate, the WORST, MOST INCOMPETENT, & MOST CORRUPT President in U.S. history, is incapable of winning in a Free and Fair Election.”

Trump conveyed a cautionary message to the political elites in Washington, D.C., regarding the potential consequences they may face should he regain the presidency in 2024.

Former President Trump made a post on the social media platform Truth Social.

“The Crooked Joe Biden Campaign has thrown so many Indictments and lawsuits against me that Republicans are already thinking about what we are going to do to Biden and the Communists when it’s our turn.”

“They have started a whole new Banana Republic way of thinking about political campaigns. It’s so cheap and dirty, but that’s where America is right now. Be careful what you wish for!” Trump stated, seemingly warning them of the consequences of their actions.

The Department of Justice under Joe Biden, along with members of the Democratic Party, has brought forth 91 indictments against former President Donald Trump. These charges have been subject to scrutiny, leading some to draw comparisons between the current state of affairs in the United States and that of a banana republic.

Nevertheless, President Trump’s political influence appears to be bolstered by each indictment, as his loyal supporters interpret the allegations as a unifying call to action for the upcoming 2024 election.

The post Trump Defeats Dems’ Sneaky Plan To Destroy Him – Catches Them In The Act! appeared first on The Republic Brief.

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