Trump:“It Can’t Be Much Longer,One Year Is A Very Longtime”,Martial Law,Patriots On Guard – Ep. 3199

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The green new deal is dead, the EV market is shot, the people are not buying what they are selling. Sometimes you need to show the people. Bank deposit outflows have picked up. The people see who is responsible for all of this and if they are telling everyone that everything is great they will not do anything to fix it. The [DS] is bringing the entire world to the brink of disaster. The borders are wide open and Trump has warned that terrorist are probably in the country. Most likely as the war picks up there will be chaos and events happening around the world. The event will most likely occur in the control blue cities and states which mean martial law might have to be enacted. This play right into the 2024 election.



Ford pauses a $12 billion EV investment, after saying electric vehicles are too expensive

Ford said that the pace of EV adoption has been slower than the company expected. 

Ford has postponed $12 billion in spending on EV manufacturing capacity.
The company has warned that electric vehicles are too expensive and that demand is slowing.
Other automakers are also cutting investment and abandoning manufacturing targets.

Ford has halted billions of dollars in investment in EV manufacturing, warning that customers will not pay a premium for these vehicles.


Fed Admits Banks Suffered Massive Deposit Outflows Last Week

Total bank deposits – on a seasonally-adjusted basis – crashed by a massive $83.7BN last week (the biggest outflows since SVB) to the lowest since June…

Non-seasonally-adjusted, the deposit outflows were even yuuger -$129BN…





  Two Democrats are leaving the House of Representatives
Rep. John Sarbanes (D-MD), 61 years old, will leave Congress in 2025 after nearly two decades of service, he announced on October 26.

Rep. Jeff Jackson (D-NC), 41, who just took office in January after nine years in the state Senate, has also announced that he will not seek reelection in 2024.  52, is closer to parity.

Eleven additional Democrats, including Representatives Katie Porter (D-CA), Andy Kim (D-CA), and Jennifer Wexton (D-VA.), have already announced their plans to retire or run for another office. Five Republicans, including Representatives Debbie Lesko (R-AZ), Jim Banks (R-IN), and Dan Bishop (R-NC), are not seeking reelection.


Lawsuit Claims Abercrombie & Fitch Was Funding a Sex-Trafficking Operation

A lawsuit filed in New York has accused fashion brand Abercrombie & Fitch of funding a sex trafficking operation.
The complaint claims that the company gave former CEO Mike Jeffries “unfettered access” to funds to support his “criminal enterprise.”
The BBC reports that the lawsuit, which is seeking class-action status, accuses Jeffries and his British partner Matthew Smith of sex trafficking, sexual misconduct and rape.
The suit was brought on by David Bradberry, now 37, a former model, who spoke to the BBC for an investigation into Jeffries’ actions.

“Abercrombie cared about profiting and showed absolute loyalty to Jeffries, including a willingness to spend copious amounts of money on extravagant drug and sex parties, ignoring multiple red flags of criminality in Jeffries’s corporate account activity,” the complaint says. 

The suit says that the company was the “financial lifeblood for a sex trafficking organization” run by Jeffries between at least 1992 and 2014, the time he was with Abercrombie.
“It alleges he used A&F’s corporate resources including a jet, transportation, and unlimited amounts of cash to facilitate a sex-trafficking venture, which enabled him to accumulate ‘new victims at an alarming rate’ and he also had access to aspiring models,” the BBC reports.
Jeffries has been accused of sexually abusing over 100 young men while promising them modeling jobs, according to a report from CNBC.



El Salvador Imposes $1,000 Tax on Indian, African Travelers to Stop U.S.-Bound Migrants

El Salvador imposed a $1,000 airport tariff fee on travelers from India and Africa this week in an effort to curb the use of the Central American nation as a bridge destination for nationals from those areas seeking to illegally migrate to the United States.
The number of cases of U.S.-bound migrants landing in El Salvador’s airports to eventually arrive in Nicaragua and travel to America has increased significantly in the past year, Manuel Orozco, the director of the Migration, Remittances, and Development Program at the Inter-American Dialogue, said. The communist Daniel Ortega regime in Nicaragua is not only profiting from the United States’ migrant crisis, but reportedly trying to use migrants as a “weapon” against the United States and leverage for potential sanctions relief. 
The new measure will force Indian nationals and citizens from over 50 African nations to pay a mandatory $1,000 in “Airport Improvement Fees” — plus an additional 13 percent in taxes — to travel to El Salvador. CEPA has also instructed airlines to issue daily detailed reports on passengers from the countries affected by the measure.



Geopolitical/Police State

Screenshot: Maine Shooter Committed Suicide by Shooting Himself in the Head Twice According to Daily Mail US – The Article Is Now Removed

Lewiston, Maine mass shooting suspect Robert Card has been found dead, law enforcement sources tell the Fox News.
A law enforcement source tells Fox News Digital that Card was found dead as a result of an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound near a dumpster at a recycling plant where he worked at one point point in Lisbon, Maine.

The news was reported in similar fashion by other mainstream media outlets!

One of them accidentally or not posted that he was found dead with 2 gunshot wounds in the head!
Below we have a screenshot:


United States Freezes Export of Civilian Firearms and Ammo for 90 Days, Citing National Security

On Friday, the U.S. Commerce Department announced a temporary halt to the issuance of export licenses for most civilian firearms and ammunition for 90 days, citing vague “national security and foreign policy interests” as the rationale behind the decision, Reuters reported.
“The review will be conducted with urgency and will enable the Department to more effectively assess and mitigate risk of firearms being diverted to entities or activities that promote regional instability, violate human rights, or fuel criminal activities,” the agency said.
The ban includes a sweeping range of semiautomatic and non-automatic firearms like shotguns and optical sights.

This export halt will have a direct economic impact on leading U.S. firearms manufacturers such as Sturm Ruger & Co., Smith & Wesson Brands, and Vista Outdoor. It does affect some of the largest markets for American gun manufacturers, including Brazil, Thailand, and Guatemala, 


However, the temporary suspension of export licenses does not apply to Israel, Ukraine, and about 40 other countries that participate with the U.S. in a multilateral export-control agreement.
Experts in the field were quick to point out the unusual nature of the Commerce Department’s move. Johanna Reeves, a lawyer specializing in export controls and firearms, told Reuters that she had never seen such sweeping action before.

More from Bloomberg:



This time, it was Grand Central Station in the heart of New York City that was laid siege by Pro-Palestinian demonstrators, who chanted slogans like “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will Be Free,” (meaning, “free” from the existence of Israel).
The chant is reflective of the origin statement of Hamas, the terrorist organization that runs the Gaza Strip, and which undertook the bloody, savage attack on Israeli civilians on October 7.

Protesters were told to put their hands behind their backs after being told three times to leave. The police then tied them up with zip ties and took them to buses that were waiting.

Jewish Voice for Peace, a radical group that the Anti Defamation League has called “anti-Israel, “put together the protest, which happened at the same time that Israel stepped up its military actions in Gaza.


Far-left billionaire kingmaker George Soros has funneled more than $15 million since 2016 to groups behind this month’s pro-Palestine protests, where demonstrators openly cheered Hamas militants’ craven terrorist attacks on Israel.
A Post examination of Open Society Foundations records shows Soros’ grant-making network gave $13.7 million of the money through Tides Center, a deep-pocketed lefty advocacy group that sponsors several nonprofits who’ve justified Hamas’ bloody attacks while claiming Palestinians obsessed with the eradication of the Jewish state are the real victims. Tides’ beneficiaries include Illinois-based Adalah Justice Project,  


BOOM! President Trump: “Resident Aliens Who Joined the Pro-Jihadist Protests This Month – We Will Find You and We Will Deport You” (VIDEO) 

During his speech President Trump drew a clear line between his policies and those of the open border Democrats. The liberal party in America is clearly the party of the radical Jew-haters. They even have ten House Democrats who voted against a statement condemning the Hamas raid on Israel.
Trump drew a clear line – No more jihadists in the country!

President Donald Trump: The college campuses are being taken over, and all of the resident aliens who joined in the pro jihadist protest this month, nobody’s ever seen anything like it. Come 2025, we will find you, and we will deport you. We will deport you. We will deport you…


WORLD WAR III WATCH: Israel’s Ground Invasion Has Finally Begun in Gaza (VIDEO)

Moreover, US officials tell CBS the invasion will occur in phases and not be one single ground operation.

According to Jesse Watters, Israel’s naval battalion, the Flotilla 13, initiated a siege in southern Gaza. The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have also imposed a complete blackout in the region, disabling the Internet and cellular communications. The mission’s objective is clear: to demolish Hamas’ infrastructure and thereby neutralize the terrorist threats emanating from the Gaza Strip.

The operation includes the use of bunker buster bombs, designed to penetrate deep into the ground and eliminate tunnel networks.



IRan, we will do what needs to be done


Mathew Perry’s Post Promoting “Could I Be Any More Vaccinated” Shirt Resurfaces After Star’s Death

 Mathew Perry, best known for his role as Chandler Bing on the hit sitcom Friends, passed away at the age of 54.
TMZ reported law enforcement officers found the actor dead inside of his jacuzzi after responding to a call for cardiac arrest.
Perry, who was public about his struggles with alcohol and drug addiction, was reportedly found at his own home in a hot tub after law enforcement responded to a call for cardiac arrest around 4 pm local time.

No drugs were found at the scene.

Matthew Perry had reportedly played 2 hours of pickleball on Saturday morning and sent his assistant to run some errands. When the assistant returned to Perry’s home, he found him unresponsive and dialed 911, TMZ reported.
A prior post of Perry selling Friends-themed “Could I BE anymore vaccinated?” shirts resurfaced shortly after the news of his death became public.


Per Independent:


Another photo taken of Perry, which was taken closer to his death, caused many fans of Perry to have chills.


  HIGH, had a 100% Disclaimer Clause, Banks were fully paid, “on time, on schedule,” with never even a minor default, there was NO VICTIM, EXCEPT ME. Any other Judge in the Country would have thrown this case out on day one. He’s an out of control “Nut Job,” who fined me $10,000 over a ridiculous Gag Order so that the publicity for the day would take over from the fact that Racist James and the Judge’s Star Witness admitted LYING TO CONGRESS on the stand – CASE OVER!

 completely, and everybody who is watching this Witch Hunt so agrees. Hopefully, that will soon change. This CRAZED Judge ruled against me before the Trial even started, and said Mar-a-Lago is worth only $18,000,000. Other properties, likewise. This is a Biden Election Interference Scam! There were No Crimes & No Victims, and there is NO JURY ALLOWED. This Radical Trump Hater Must Be Taken Off This Case!

Federal prosecutors have quietly withdrawn a subpoena seeking records from former President Donald J. Trump’s 2020 campaign as part of their investigation into whether his political and fund-raising operations committed any crimes.

Special Counsel Jack Smith’s office this week decided to effectively kill the subpoena to the Trump campaign followed the withdrawal of a similar subpoena to Save America, the political action committee formed by Trump’s aides shortly after the dismissal of his 2020 election challenges.
The rescinding of the subpoenas to Donald J. Trump for President Inc. and Save America indicated that Smith’s office was slowing or even ending its months-long investigation into whether Trump’s political operation violated any laws by using election fraud claims to raise funds. The retraction of the subpoena for Save America was first reported by The Washington Post last week.

Smith’s team has been attempting to find out, for more than a year, whether Trump and his advisers violated federal wire fraud statutes in their fund-raising, following a path initially followed by the House select committee investigating the events of January 6, 2021.



 forced #MSM to cover TRUMP— Americans were shown the strong policy & leadership TRUMP offered in comparison to Biden & the GOP.
•Trump is DOMINATING POLLS — optics weaken Dems ability to rig Primaries or keep Trump off the ballot, bc PEOPLE are watching Trump win with THEIR OWN EYES.
•TRUMP is “draining” donors— the large & diverse group running against Trump means that BIG TECH, WOKE COMPANIES & DEMS are spread too “financially” thin to defeat him.


  in almost every Poll!). The Globalist, China Centric, and once influential Wall Street Journal, who picks up anything negative about me that they can, puts this ridiculous endorsement into its pages of bad RINO loving policy and misinformation. Use it well, Nikki, it’s all you’ve got!

6 years ago today Q went active and posted 2 drops.

Today Trump “dropped” 2 times. I’m sure it’s just a coincidence.


Anonymous ID: BQ7V3bcW No.147012719
Oct 28 2017 15:44:28 (EST)

Anonymous ID: gb953qGI No.147005381
Oct 28 2017 14:33:50 (EST)

Hillary Clinton will be arrested between 7:45 AM – 8:30 AM EST on Monday – the morning on Oct 30, 2017.
HRC extradition already in motion effective yesterday with several countries in case of cross border run. Passport approved to be flagged effective 10/30 @ 12:01am. Expect massive riots organized in defiance and others fleeing the US to occur. US M’s will conduct the operation while NG activated. Proof check: Locate a NG member and ask if activated for duty 10/30 across most major cities.


Anonymous ID: BQ7V3bcW No.147023341
Oct 28 2017 17:15:48 (EST)

HRC detained, not arrested (yet).
Where is Huma? Follow Huma.
This has nothing to do w/ Russia (yet).
Why does Potus surround himself w/ generals?
What is military intelligence?
Why go around the 3 letter agencies?
What Supreme Court case allows for the use of MI v Congressional assembled and approved agencies?
Who has ultimate authority over our branches of military wo approval conditions unless 90+ in wartime conditions?
What is the military code?
Where is AW being held? Why?
POTUS will not go on tv to address nation.
POTUS must isolate himself to prevent negative optics.
POTUS knew removing criminal rogue elements as a first step was essential to free and pass legislation.
Who has access to everything classified?
Do you believe HRC, Soros, Obama etc have more power than Trump? Fantasy.
Whoever controls the office of the Presidecy controls this great land.
They never believed for a moment they (Democrats and Republicans) would lose control.
This is not a R v D battle.
Why did Soros donate all his money recently?
Why would he place all his funds in a RC?
Mockingbird 10.30.17
God bless fellow Patriots.

  favorably for the plaintiffs; particularly, the Republican Party and the Trump campaign. The election review noted the cases decided on the merits and those that were dismissed for lack of standing or other procedural issues.
“Some Non-Merit reasons for stopping lawsuits from going forward are for: a) Standing, b) Timing [Laches], c) Judicial authority [Jurisdiction], and d) Moot (e.g. not enough malfeasance to make a difference).” The list of court cases decided on the merits, meaning “the Plaintiff was able to argue the facts of the case, and, if applicable, given opportunity to present evidence via Discovery,” as well as the links to the case information, can be found below. “You’re gonna wanna bookmark this,” remarked Arizona Sun Times reporter
. “This is a compilation of all of the 2020 election challenges and what became of them. Despite the MSM lies that 60+ election challenges found no evidence of wrongdoing, there were actually 92 cases, with only 30 decided on the merits, and of those 30, Trump and/or the GOP plaintiff prevailed in 22 of them.”
The case entries, many linking to Stanford’s Healthy Election Project, confirm the statuses and the rulings. It is debatable whether affirmative rulings in all of the cases would have been sufficient to lead to Donald Trump being elected instead of Joe Biden.
The pivotal lawsuit may have been the Texas case brought by AG Ken Paxton contending that a number of swing states made unconstitutional election changes, because they did not go through the state legislatures.
This case was denied by the Supreme Court, despite the Constitution stipulating its original jurisdiction. Furthermore, many states have since decided that 2020 election practices such as the inclusion of privately funded “Zuckerboxes” were either illegal or were subsequently outlawed.
It is up for debate whether any particular lawsuit would have been the deciding factor, but the critical underlying point is that the election challenges were legal and valid.
The sum of these lawsuits paint the picture that the “fortified” 2020 election was highly flawed and undemocratic, since it did not abide by fundamental practices of election integrity.
Thus debunks a widespread narrative: Trump’s legal challenges to the 2020 election were all “baseless.”



Wider War Will Bring Inevitable Attempts At Martial Law In America

 Biden and his globalist friends have used every possible tactic to make martial law an inevitability. Economic instability and stagflation have created a spike in violent crime and looting. Mass illegal migration is dragging down state welfare systems and is creating a trend of cultural dilution. Open borders have allowed any number of possible foreign hostiles into the US.


A multi-front war breaks out in the Middle East including nations like Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Yemen. Israel faces serious failure. The US is dragged into the war, or, Israel uses its nuclear arsenal to destroy the resources (including populations) of enemy nations, leading to the possible involvement of China and Russia, and thus, the US is still dragged in.

Riots and terror attacks become a regular occurrence in the US, not just initiated by Muslim extremist infiltrators but also leftists who have attached themselves to the cause.

 As the war continues

Biden tries to implement a draft in order to force the momentum.  




Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.435
Nov 7 2018 23:47:49 (EST)

Martial law is the replacement of civilian government by military rule and the suspension of civilian legal processes for military powers.[1] Martial law can continue for a specified amount of time, or indefinitely, and standard civil liberties may be suspended for as long as martial law continues.[2][1] Most often, martial law is declared in times of war and/or emergencies such as civil unrest and natural disasters.[3] Alternatively, martial law may be declared in instances of military coup d’états.[4]
“..or in response to chaos associated with protests and mob action,”
Article 1, Section 9 of the US Constitution states, “The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.”



Oct 30, 2020 11:38:45 AM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 5915fd No. 11359798 
This is not about R v D.
This is about preserving our way of life.
If America falls, the World falls.
Patriots on guard.


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