Trump’s Closest Inner Circle Confidante Turned On Him

Back home in North Carolina, Mark Meadows has always been viewed suspiciously for his double talk on issues and his party backstabbing. He seems to be a conservative hero at critical times, only to oust absolute conservative values when it mattered to some people.

But he has also done some good things with the House Freedom Caucus during his time as a US Rep for North Carolina, so it is confusing where his allegiances are.  That is politics..  but when President Donald J. Trump chose Meadows to be a highly trusted insider- many people were worried for Trump.

And those fears that Meadows would sell Trump out may have been accurate, as many people are growing suspicious that Meadows has turned on Trump and is selling him out in the latest ‘Get Trump’ witchhunt.

That coward, Mark Meadows, gave in to the Deep State and is going to lie about J6 to frame President Trump.

Don’t care, I’m voting Trump even if they put him in the hole!

— Nick (@nbbb2385) July 18, 2023

Recent media reports are feeding the speculation with leaks to show that before Jan. 6, Meadows joked to his associates about Trump’s election claims.

Outlets citing a text that ‘people familiar with’  said that Meadows wrote that ‘his own son was unable to find more than a handful of votes potentially cast in the name of dead voters’ in the 2020 election.

The Washington Post reported on the story of Meadow’s texts, with more details claiming that Meadows” joked about the baseless claim that large numbers of votes were fraudulently cast in the names of dead people in the days before the then-White House chief of staff participated in a phone call in which President Donald Trump alleged there were close to 5,000 dead voters in Georgia and urged Brad Raffensperger, Georgia’s secretary of state, to overturn the 2020 election there, ” adding:

“In a text message that has been scrutinized by federal prosecutors, Meadows wrote to a White House lawyer that his son, Atlanta-area attorney Blake Meadows, had been probing possible fraud and had found only a handful of possible votes cast in dead voters’ names, far short of what Trump was alleging. The lawyer teasingly responded that perhaps Meadows’s son could locate the thousands of votes Trump would need to win the election. The text was described by multiple people familiar with the exchange.”

The left-leaning outlet continued on in their report to highlight how frequently Trump’s supposed closest allies doubted him and his beliefs about the election:

“The jocular text message, which has not been previously reported, is one of many exchanges from the time in which Trump aides and other Republican officials expressed deep skepticism or even openly mocked the election claims being made publicly by Trump, according to people familiar with the investigation, who spoke on the condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the criminal investigation,” WAPO reported.

The lack of real support Trump had is really coming into focus with the investigation of special counsel Jack Smith, as well as pressuring people to turn on Trump.

Smith heads a highly corrupt DOJ investigation of Trump’s activities in the weeks leading up to the Jan. 6, 2021, protest at the U.S. Capitol and has been said to be focused on exploring whether Trump and his closest advisers understood that claims of fraud in the election were what he believes to be ‘baseless’.

Smith, media outlets claim, will focus much of his energy on the idea that Trump and his administration pressed state officials and others to overturn Biden’s very suspicious victory.

Smith, sources told leftist media in leaks that it was Trump who convinced millions of supporters that the election had been stolen; people familiar with the probe have told media outlets like WAPO, who reported:

“The text message is a small part of a broader portrait of Meadows that Smith appears to be assembling as he weighs the actions of not just Trump but a number of his closest advisers, including Meadows, hinting that Meadows has flipped on Trump.”

WAPO goes on to use their power as media to apply pressure on Meadows to flip:

“People close to Meadows have said that he was privately sympathetic to those Trump advisers who were skeptical of the fraud claims. Yet Meadows also played both sides, often appearing to indulge Trump’s desire to use those false allegations to try to remain in office, people who witnessed his behavior have said.

A spokesman for Meadows declined to comment. Blake Meadows did not respond to a request for comment.
Since Trump said he was named a target of Smith’s investigation earlier this week, his allies have been feverishly speculating about the degree of Meadows’s cooperation with the Smith probe and whether he has provided testimony that Smith will use to build a case against Trump or others.

The Meadows text, which a person familiar with the investigation said prosecutors have presented to a grand jury, is a reminder that Smith has gathered documents and witness testimony that has not been seen by the public despite more than two years of congressional and media scrutiny about Trump’s activities following the election. He will probably offer the public the fullest picture yet available of the events that led to the Jan. 6 attack.
A spokesman for Smith declined to comment.”

Meadows is the one who organized the famous call between Trump and Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger on Jan. 2, in which the opponents of Trump dressed the call up to sound as if Trump had pressed Raffensperger to “find” the votes in the state necessary to overturn Biden’s victory- setting the stage, conveniently, for this whole drama.

The post Trump’s Closest Inner Circle Confidante Turned On Him appeared first on The Republic Brief.

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