WATCH: Pelosi Sparks Debate on TikTok’s Future with ‘Tic-Tac-Toe’ Remark

A video snippet featuring comments about the prominent social media tool, TikTok, communicated by former House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, rapidly garnered attention on the internet. Discussions concerning the regulation or even prohibition of TikTok have been sparked amongst Congress members, kindled by its suspected role in extensive data mining on behalf of Beijing. The idea of extricating the firm from foreign and in particular, Chinese control has been proposed. Pelosi’s unique choice of phrase, ‘tic-tac-toe,’ during her speech, made a significant impact.

Interpreting Pelosi’s remarks, ‘This is not an attempt to ban TikTok, but an effort to improve TikTok’, she coined a phrase comparing it to the game, ‘tic-tac-toe, a winner.’ Many social media commentators highlighted this segment, creating a buzz around her statement. The response from the legislature came in the shape of the House passing a bill with a 352-65 vote, recommending TikTok separate entirely from Chinese ties.

The proposed legislation also suggested that failure to comply would result in TikTok’s removal from U.S. app stores. In line with the insights provided by the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), the legal document also offers the president the discretion to identify any apps posing a national threat—those under foreign adversary control—as per Title 10.

Even though a substantial number of Republicans, precisely 197, supported the bill, there was no unanimous agreement. Georgia’s Representative, Marjorie Taylor Greene, presented a cautionary note on platform X, warning that this legislation could potentially trigger an avalanche of future government control threatening the First Amendment rights of American citizens.

“This is not an attempt to ban TikTok. It’s an attempt to make TikTok better. Tic-Tac-Toe. A winner. A winner.”

— Rep. Pelosi

— Howard Mortman (@HowardMortman) March 13, 2024

As the bill makes its way to the Senate, its future is still undecided. Meanwhile, another resolution passed as the House voicing a consensus regarding the current national border security crisis, which they believe to be instigated by President Joe Biden, further intensifying the political environment.

The resolution passed a House vote by 226–193, labeling the situation as the ‘most severe border security crisis’ in U.S. history. What added a further layer to the unfolding drama was the fact that 14 Democrats crossed the aisle to join Republicans in passing this non-binding resolution.

Prominent Democratic representatives, Jared Moskowitz, Henry Cuellar, Jared Golden, and Mary Peltolta, were among the Democrats who supported the resolution. The UK’s Daily Mail brought this to public attention. The resolution contained specific criticisms of the Biden administration’s border policies.

The explicit criticism highlighted in the resolution suggests that their policies have inadvertently enticed more than 9.3 million undocumented immigrants to flock to the U.S.’ southern border since the president assumed office. Further criticism was directed at Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, Department of Homeland Security, holding him responsible for his complicity in causing what is described as ‘the worst border security crisis in American history’.

The drama escalated as the House put forward impeachment charges against Mayorkas in the previous month, citing his crucial role in escalating the border crisis. The charges are yet to be evaluated by the Senate body. Given the Democrat-led Senate, a conviction for Mayorkas seems quite improbable.

Originating from the desk of Rep. Monica De La Cruz, the resolution seeks to illuminate the severity of the border crisis under the current administration. Representing a broad segment of the Texas-Mexico border, De La Cruz expressed her concerns on the House floor before the vote.

De La Cruz’s perspective succinctly articulated the grave reality the nation faces: a paramount crisis in border security during the watch of President Biden and Secretary Mayorkas. She called on the administration to uphold its responsibilities and mentioned demands clearly stated in the resolution.

She strongly advocated for the initiation of cooperative asylum agreements with safer countries. Using expedited removal authority judiciously was another provision she stressed. She asserted that federal law mandates the detention of those deemed inadmissible.

Among others, De La Cruz supported policies such as the broadening of asylum deals and accelerated removal procedures. These policies were, notably, expanded during the time of former President Donald Trump’s administration. Thus, echoing a sentiment that reverberates across the political landscape: a genuine, objective, and effective approach to border security is the need of the hour.

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WATCH: Pelosi Sparks Debate on TikTok’s Future with ‘Tic-Tac-Toe’ Remark appeared first on Real News Now.

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