We Are Witnessing A Counterinsurgency, Civilian & Military Efforts To Defeat Insurgency – Ep. 3162

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The [DS]/[WEF] are pushing the climate hoax, they are trying to convince the people that the summer was hotter than normal, this is failing. The EV trip that Granholm took was a disaster. The land that is needed for wind and solar is vast, we were lied to. Blue states and cities are imploding. Bill has now been introduced to block [CBDC]. The [DS] is under the control of the patriots. The [DS] had control of the US for a long time, they made a mistake and over through the election in 2020 which gave the power to the military. What we are witnessing is the counterinsurgency, civilian and military working together to defeat the [DS]. Chaos and war are approaching, this is the final battle to wake the rest of the people up so we can take back the country.



Boston’s mayor declares ‘heat emergency’ for high-80s summer day 

On September 7th, Wu declared a “heat emergency” saying temperatures were expected to reach into the… ready for this? The nineties. (Turns out, Thursday the 7th peaked at 89°F and Friday reached 88°F.) From the Boston government’s press release:
‘The impacts of climate change are more palpable than ever, with extreme heat posing risk to our communities,’ said Mayor Michelle Wu. ‘Although extreme heat affects Bostonians of all ages, with the new school year starting, our Boston Public Schools staff will be following protocols to ensure our kids have an enjoyable, safe first week back at school.’
Barely out of August on the East Coast? That’s still summer, and these are normal summer temperatures. Let me guess, could one confuse “safe” back-to-school “protocols” with a mock climate lockdown of sorts? 

Source: americanthinker.com

Listen: Citizens Call 911 on Biden Energy Secretary Granholm’s Staff for Blocking EV Charger 

Audio of a 911 call made when U.S. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm’s staff were blocking an electric vehicle (EV) charger has been released.
This week, NPR reported that Granholm’s recent four-day road trip from North Carolina to Tennessee encountered an unforeseen problem when a member of her advance team used a gas-powered vehicle to block an EV charging station in fear that her caravan would not be able to recharge when they reached their destination. As a result, a couple with a baby called the police, claiming that the parked car was preventing people from charging their vehicles.
I’m calling because I’m in the Grovetown Walmart at the charging station and there’s literally a non-electric car that is taking up a space and said they’re holding the space for somebody else,” the woman said to the 911 dispatcher. “And it’s holding up a whole bunch of people who need to charge their cars.”
“There are other people who are waiting to charge and they’re still here and they’re not in electric cars,” she continued. “The sign says you can’t park here unless you’re charging.”

Source: breitbart.com

The Biden Administration Misleads Public On Vast Expanses Of Land Needed For ‘Net Zero’ 

The Biden administration is misleading the country about the amount of land that will be required to meet its ambitious renewable energy goals,  
The Department of Energy’s official line – echoed by many environmental activists and academics – is that the vast array of solar panels and wind turbines required to meet Biden’s goal of “100% clean electricity” by 2035 will require “less than one-half of one percent of the contiguous U.S. land area.” This topline number translates into 15,000 of the lower 48’s roughly 3 million square miles. 
However, the government report that furnished those estimates also notes that the wind farm footprint alone could require an expanse nine times as large: 134,000 square miles. 
Even that figure is misleading because it does not include land for the new transmission systems that would connect the energy, created by the solar panels carpeting the ground and skyscraper-tall wind turbines filling the horizons, to American businesses and homes. 

Source: zerohedge.com

More Than a Third of Chicago’s 2024 $538 Million Budget Shortfall Tied to Migrant Crisis

Chicago has spent over $100M to care for the illegals arriving in the city thanks to Joe Biden’s broken border.

Despite the millions in taxpayer dollars, the city remains so overwhelmed that migrants are being housed in police stations and turning O’Hare airport into a dangerous, filthy and unsanitary encampment.
And now, Chicago is facing a $538 million budget shortfall for 2024 with more than a third of that shortfall tied to Biden’s illegal crisis, according to The Chicago Sun-Times.
The Chicago Sun-Times reports:

The dramatically higher shortfall was revealed the same day the Council’s Budget Committee slapped another $33 million federal Band-Aid on the migrant crisis — enough to cover only a few months of past and future spending.


Source: thegatewaypundit.com

We’re #1! California Still Has Highest Poverty Rate in U.S.A

The State of California still leads the United States in poverty, according to new U.S. Census data released Tuesday.
CalMatters.org reported:
The “supplemental” rates are calculated on three years of data and California has held the top spot for a number of years, almost entirely because of its extraordinarily high costs of housing, utilities, fuel and other consumer needs.Nationally, the new supplemental rate is 9.8% but once again California tops the states at 13.2 percent, more than a third higher than the national rate.…The ultimate irony of California’s high poverty rate is that it’s a deep-blue state where all of the political power is held by left-leaning Democrats who profess to sympathize with the plight of the poor.
Within the state, CalMatters.org notes, poverty is highest in the Los Angeles area, and lowest in the San Francisco area.
The District of Columbia is the only jurisdiction with a higher supplemental poverty rate than California, at 14.8%, though it is not a state.

Source: breitbart.com

California unveils new legislation to raise minimum wage (again) for fast food workers 

California is working as hard as it can to increase inflation, destroy jobs, and chase as many people and businesses out of its state as it can. From an article at RedState yesterday:
California state lawmakers are attempting to pass new legislation that would bump up the minimum wage for fast food workers to $20 per hour. However, it would only apply to workers at a fast-food chain that has a minimum of 60 locations nationwide.
Leftists never stop! In their itty-bitty brains, what do they think this will do to jobs, hours, and prices? Do they think all of a sudden these people will be able to afford high-priced rent, cars, and houses if they dictate higher and higher minimum wages?
They don’t seem to understand how this forces businesses to move towards more automation, or maybe that is what they want? More people to be dependent upon the government for survival?

Source: americanthinker.com

American Airlines Cuts Earnings Forecast As Headwinds Hit Airline Industry 

American Airlines Group slashed its third-quarter earnings forecast, just two months after raising it. The surge in air travel post-pandemic is waning as fall approaches, with travelers becoming more cautious amid mounting economic headwinds. Spirit Airlines also warned Wednesday about an emerging slump in air travel.
Bloomberg data shows American Air’s cut in adjusted earnings per share guidance for the third quarter missed the guidance average estimate for Wall Street analysts.


The S&P500 Airlines index never recovered from pre-Covid levels.



Source: zerohedge.com

The bill specifically prohibits the Fed from issuing a CBDC to individuals, which Emmer says would stop it from mobilizing into a retail bank able to collect personal financial data.
The bill also prohibits the central bank from using any CBDC to implement monetary policy.




Anonymous ID: grTMpzrL No.147448408
Nov 1 2017 00:27:03 (EST)

Any person making statements they will not be seeking re-election was put in submission. For the betterment of the country not all will be prosecuted and all will do as told. You will see more of this occur (not normal yet disregarded) and even on the D side.





President Biden’s White House is planning to send a letter to some of the country’s most prominent news organizations — including CNN, the New York Times and Fox News — urging them to “ramp up their scrutiny” of House Republicans “for opening an impeachment inquiry based on lies.”

However, the missive has raised eyebrows over concerns about the White House dictating editorial direction.
“This is not OK,” journalist Matthew Keys tweeted. “The White House should not be encouraging, influencing or interfering in the editorial strategies of America’s newsrooms, including CNN and the New York Times.”
 State run media

Source: nypost.com

Archives threatening to withhold some evidence in Biden probe as ‘personal,’ Comer reveals

 House Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer pressed Wednesday for deeper access to records in the Biden family probe held by the National Archives, while pointedly warning that America’s historical agency is threatening to withhold some evidence as “personal.”

Comer made the revelation in a letter to Archivist Colleen Shogan that requested unrestricted access to a collection of memos the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) has released in redacted form titled “Records on Hunter Biden, James Biden, and Their Foreign Business Dealings” under the Presidential Records Act (PRA).

Comer noted the collection includes correspondence in which Hunter Biden business partner Eric Schwerin was directly coordinating media messaging with Vice President Joe Biden’s office concerning Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian energy company deemed corrupt by the State Department that paid Biden’s son millions to serve on its board. Just the News reported on that specific memo earlier this year when the group America First Legal forced disclosure of the collection.

Comer demanded the Archives produce a log identifying any records it is withholding from Congress and the state reason, a typical first step that Congress make it if plan to sue to force disclosure of evidence.
“This log should state the length of the document withheld, its sender(s) and recipient(s), the time and date the document was transmitted, and the justification for NARA’s determination to withhold the document.” Comer wrote.

Source: justthenews.com

Polls Cut Through Media Spin That Biden Impeachment Is A MAGA Witch Hunt

 polls suggest that Americans just don’t have that much appetite for what Democrats are selling.

 Source: dailycaller.com

Geopolitical/Police State


system that shows that the number of views of hateful content declined. The third parties who have all the data analyzed it and said, actually, there’s less hate speech. The issue with the ADL is not a question of hate speech or antisemitism. It is that the ADL and many other organizations have become activist organizations that are acting far beyond their original stated mandate. And far beyond what donors to those organizations think they are doing… The ADL was instrumental in getting Donald Trump deplatformed. When we restored the account, they made it clear that restoring his account on X constituted hateful speech. He hasn’t even said anything… This is absurd, and what does this have to do with antisemitism? Donald Trump’s son-in-law is Jewish, and he has Jewish grandchildren. I’m pretty sure he’s not antisemitic…”

Biden’s Gun Control Law Will Radically Change U.S. Gun Ownership | Opinion

President Joe Biden keeps telling Americans that the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA), the gun control bill he signed last year, is the most significant gun control legislative accomplishment in nearly 30 years. He is right, but it will do nothing to improve safety. The innocuous-sounding BSCA will radically change gun ownership.
Americans are only now learning that the act prohibits federal funding for “training in the use of a dangerous weapon.” In July, the Biden Department of Education announced it would end funding to schools with riflery or archery teams or hunter safety classes. Federal funding for public schools is substantial and hard to ignore, typically accounting for about eight percent of education spending. This prohibition effectively spells the end of classes or sports pertaining to shooting or archery in public schools. It is an attempt to end the American culture of legal gun ownership.
Federal law explicitly prohibits the creation of a federal firearm registry, but through a proposed 108-page set of regulations published at the end of August by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (BATF), the Biden administration is trying to use the BSCA to implement universal background checks on all gun purchases and to track virtually everyone who obtains a gun.
By the beginning of last year, the BATF had created a digital database containing almost a billion firearm transactions. To fill in the blanks, Biden and others, including Democratic New York Governor Kathy Hochul, are pressuring credit card companies to track firearm purchases. As U.S. Representative Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and one of us (Congressman Massie) discovered in our Judiciary Committee investigationsBank of America has already given customers’ gun purchase data to the FBI without a warrant or probable cause.

  Biden is redefining everyone as a firearms dealer, his zero-tolerance policy for paperwork typos is putting thousands of dealers out of business.

Source: newsweek.com

New Mexico’s Democrat AG Will Not ‘Defend’ Governor’s Concealed Carry Ban 

New Mexico Attorney General Raul Torrez (D) released a letter Tuesday making clear he will not “defend” Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s (D) ban on concealed and open carry.
When Torrez says he will not “defend” the ban, he specifically states that he will not argue in favor of the ban in the two lawsuits that have already been filed against it.

Torrez wrote, “Given that only responsible gun owners are likely to abide, much less recognize your ban, it is unclear how this action will lead to a measurable decline in gun violence in our community … The data do not support the conclusion that gun violence in our community is attributable to otherwise law-abiding citizens exercising their constitutional right to carry firearms for protection outside the home.”

Source: breitbart.com


White House: We’re Not Paying Ransom to Iran, Just Giving Them Access to Money, We Still Hold Them Accountable

 White House National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby maintained that the U.S. isn’t paying Iran a ransom in the prisoner swap with the country, it’s just allowing Iran access to funds they couldn’t access before for “discreet, targeted purposes.” And said that the Biden administration is still holding Iran accountable for its treatment of its own citizens, attacks on shipping, support for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and support of terrorists.
Kirby said, “I think it’s important to remember, this is not U.S. taxpayer dollars, this is not ransom. These were Iranian funds that had been frozen in a South Korean account that they did not have access to. All we’re simply doing is moving this money to Qatar, to Qatari National Bank, so that it can be accessible to them for, again, very discreet, targeted purposes.”

Source: breitbart.com

72,000 Ukrainian Casualties in $110 Billion Meat Grinder – UN: “The World Cannot Afford for this Senseless War to Continue” 

US funds for Ukraine stand at $110.97 billion, Fox News reported on Tuesday, citing a document by the Office of Management and Budget of the White House. The UN Disarmament head called on the world to  “make every effort for peace.”  

Source: thegatewaypundit.com

Poll: Nearly 80% of Ukrainians Hold Zelensky Responsible for Corruption

The vast majority of Ukrainians – 78 percent – say President Volodymyr Zelensky is directly responsible for corruption in the government and military, a poll published on Monday found.
The survey, conducted in July by the Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Foundation and the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology, also found that Ukrainians ranked corruption within their own government as a bigger threat to “Ukrainian entrepreneurship” than the ongoing Russian invasion, according to the Kyiv Independent.
The poll was taken after months of investigations, which followed months of firings at the highest levels of governments. Zelensky announced measures to fight bribery and other corrupt activity in his administration in January, firing five governors and four deputy ministers. Those firings came after the ouster of top infrastructure official Vasyl Lozinskyi on suspicions of embezzlement.

Source: breitbart.com


False Flags

SAFE AND EFFECTIVE: South Korea to COMPENSATE Deaths 90 Days After Covid Shot

Families to all people who have died within 90 days of receiving a covid-19 vaccination will be compensated by the government.
The country of South Korea has announced that they will be compensating the families of ALL people who die within 90 days of covid vaccination, regardless if the vaccination itself has been confirmed to be the cause of death.

Families of people who have died will be eligible to get up to $22,500 in compensation money.
Well, this is pretty telling…

“Korea was able to achieve a higher inoculation rate compared with the rest of the world because people trusted the state and went to get vaccinated…In this regard, it is the state’s responsibility to tackle the blind spot in helping out those who fell victim to the vaccination policy.” said Rep. Park Dae-chul of the ruling government party.

And here is something very interesting I found when it comes to side effects that we don’t really get to hear about in the mainstream media here.
Turns out that South Korea has recognized 11 different types of side effects caused by the covid shots! This includes anaphylaxis, myocarditis and pericarditis.
They also list another 15 symptoms like Bell’s Palsy and uterine bleeding as potential side effects of the shot.
South Korea has had 96,000 complaints from people who have reported side effects from the shots, and nearly 30% of those complaints have been accepted by the government.

Source: thegatewaypundit.com


California Quietly Getting Rid of Travel Ban to ‘Anti-LGBT’ States, But What It’s Planning Instead Is Much Worse

Legislators in the state are set to repeal a law that “bans publicly funded travel to states that enacted laws discriminating against LGBTQ people,” according to Politico.
Why? Because the law — which is more virtue signaling on steroids than anything else — has backfired.


That doesn’t mean LGBT ideologues are backing down. They’ve come up with a plan to inundate red states with the LGBT propaganda.
Keeping progressives out of conservative states is applauded by conservatives. Exporting progressive propaganda into red states will corrupt the populace of those states from the inside out — or so progressives hope.

Reasonable people simply don’t buy into LGBT political ideology, especially when it comes to transgenderism.

Source: thegatewaypundit.com

An active member of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, a group of predominantly gay men who openly mock Catholics, was arrested in California last month for indecent exposure after witnesses say he masturbated in public for an hour, according to a sheriff’s office report obtained by The Daily Wire.
The man, 53-year-old Clinton Monroe Ellis-Gilmore, was arrested by police at a beachside park after they received a report of a male “exposing himself in the driver’s seat of a parked vehicle,” the Humboldt County Sheriff’s department said.
According to numerous witnesses, Ellis-Gilmore had been at that location for approximately one hour, sitting in his truck with the door open, masturbating,” according to a sheriff’s report on the incident, which took place on August 12 at around 6:41 p.m. “The conduct does not appear to have been directed at anyone in particular.”

Source: dailywire.com


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 33b3f4 No.10618901
Sep 12 2020 12:34:03 (EST)


Attempts to ‘normalize’ will fail.
Who will be next?


RFK Jr. Telegraphs Threat To Abandon Democrat Party 

Here is RFK Jr., in an interview with Forbes, explaining what elaborate lengths the Democrat Party has gone to to rig the primary against him, outright threatening that he might drop his intra-party bid and turn his campaign into a third-party run:

If the DNC is gonna make it, is gonna rig it so that it is simply impossible for anybody to challenge President Biden, and you know I need to look at other alternatives. Because I can’t go back to the people who support me, to my donors, and say you know, I’m just going to, I’m just in this to make a point, I need to show them a road to victory.

Source: zerohedge.com

She’s Ba-ack! Hillary Clinton Returns to the White House Wrapped in a Drape (VIDEO)


This is Clinton’s first public appearance at the White House in more than 6 years.
“I am thrilled to introduce the recipients of the 34th Praemium Imperiale Prize and serve as the international advisor for this esteemed celebration of art and culture,” Hillary Clinton said in a statement.

Hillary walked into the White House with Dr. Jill wrapped in a drape. 

Source: thegatewaypundit.com

Mika Brzezinski Visibly Stunned As David Ignatius Refuses To Name Biden Alternative

“I can’t name you that person–” Ignatius said, with Brzezinski’s mouth falling agape as Scarborough is seen lightly touching her arm as if to motion for her not to interrupt Ignatius.

Source: dailycaller.com

Libertarian National Committee Moves to File for Conservatorships for Biden and McConnell, Citing “Clear Incapacitation, Mental Lapses, and Deficiencies in Decision Making”

The Libertarian National Committee has filed for conservatorships for both White House resident Joe Biden and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. Citing “clear incapacitation, mental lapses, and deficiencies in decision making” evident in recent well-publicized instances, the committee argues that neither man is fit to serve the American people.
The Libertarian Party argues that both Biden (80) and McConnell (81) have shown serious impairments in their ability to “receive and evaluate information effectively, make decisions, and communicate,” suggesting that they lack the capacity to represent either themselves or the American public.
With both the Democratic and Republican parties unwilling to take action against either leader, the Libertarian Party has taken it upon themselves to address the issue

Source: thegatewaypundit.com

fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis and her leftist comrades moan about “Donald Trump’s fake-electors scheme” as if it were a cutting-edge conspiracy concocted at his Mar-a-Lago compound in the wee small hours of the morning. In fact, “fake electors” are neither new nor nefarious. And they are not fake, either.

Believe it or not, a Congressional Research Service paper discusses how to proceed when a state sends to Washington two separate slates of presidential electors — as has happened in the past!

Receipt of Two Certificates From the Same State

As the CRS study declares:

“Influenced by its historical experience prior to 1887, Congress was particularly concerned in the statute of 1887 with the case of two lists of electors and votes being presented to Congress from the same state.”

The relevant law is the Electoral Count Act of 1887, particularly 3 U.S. Code § 15.

The other governing authority is the Supreme Law of the Land: Article I, Section 1 of the United States Constitution and the 12th Amendment thereto.

CRS adds, “Three different contingencies appear to be provided for in the statute for two lists being presented.” To oversimplify:

First, between a state’s two competing slates of electors, Congress must count the one most consistent with that state’s laws on post-election challenges.

Second, faced with two conflicting lists of electors, each endorsed by a separate state authority (perhaps one backed by a Republican governor and the other by a Democrat state legislature), then the U.S. Senate and House must concur on one group of electors. 

Third, if contending rosters of electors both lack the backing of any state authority, then the Senate and House must agree to count one set of votes, or the other, or neither. This highly ambiguous provision was in effect on January 6, 2017. (Last year, to limit such high-stakes confusion, Congress updated the Electoral Count Act via the Electoral Count Reform Act of 2022.)

In 1961, during a recount dispute after the 1960 election, Hawaii sent to Washington two slates of electorsOne supported Democrat John F. Kennedy and another Republican Richard Milhous Nixon. GOP Governor William Quinn approved Nixon’s slate, based on the Aloha State’s popular vote on that December 19.

No less an authority than journalist Theodore H. White thought Nixon prevailed in Hawaii. The Making of the President 1960, White’s landmark account of the Kennedy-Nixon showdown, lists the tally as 92,403 for Nixon (50.01%) and 92,342 for Kennedy (49.98%), a 61-vote GOP edge.


As CRS notes: “Both slates of electors had met on the prescribed day in December, cast their votes for President and Vice President, and transmitted them according to the federal statute.”

Based on these precedents, Trump and his 18 co-defendants did nothing wrong and everything


Congress met in joint session on January 6, 1961 and weighed the results of a recount that emerged on December 28: Kennedy won 92,410 votes (50.03%) versus Nixon’s 92,295 (49.97%) — a final margin of 115 ballots! Equipped with these new data, Congress counted Kennedy’s slate of three electors on January 6, 1961.


So, rather than a “fake-elector conspiracy” that “Donald Trump” and the Georgia 18 cooked up in Palm Beach, this dueling-slate scenario already happened. Democrats and Republicans sent two distinct lists of electors from one state. Congress consulted multiple laws and procedures to adjudicate this disagreement. And then it chose one group of electors over the other.

Amazingly, no one was indicted.


  administration.” Considering Kash will probably be a part of the next Trump administration, this is great to hear.


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a54ff9 No.10644532
Sep 14 2020 11:34:31 (EST)

Worth remembering [think what you see today].
Insurgency can be defined as ‘the organized use of subversion and violence to seize, nullify, or challenge political control of a region.’
Insurgents seek to subvert or displace the government and completely or partially control the resources and population of a given territory. They do so through the use of force (including guerrilla warfare, terrorism and coercion/intimidation), propa- ganda, subversion and political mobilization. Insurgents fight government forces only to the extent needed to achieve their political aims: their main effort is not to kill counterinsurgents, but rather to establish a competitive system of control over the population, making it impossible for the government to administer its territory and people. Insurgent activity is therefore designed to weaken government control and legitimacy while increasing insurgent control and influence.
Insurgents require supporters, recruits, safe havens, money, supplies, weapons and intelligence on government actions. A robust insurgency can be waged with the support of just a small percentage of a given population.
Counterinsurgency may be defined as ‘comprehensive civilian and military efforts taken to simultaneously defeat and contain insurgency and address its root causes’.


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 5dd9f6 No.10669931
Sep 16 2020 13:10:08 (EST)

Why did it take an ‘outsider’ to finally deliver the ‘start’ of peace in the middle east?
Why did it take an ‘outsider’ to finally deliver the ‘start’ of peace in the middle east?
News coverage? Front page(s)?
Missile strike(s) _attempt to terminate?
Peace doesn’t sell.
WAR [fear] does.
Evil and corruption @ highest levels.

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