We Were Told From The Beginning What Was Going To Happen, My Fellow Americans…. – Ep. 3322

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The fake news is trying to gas light the people once again making the people think that there is nothing wrong with the economy and it’s you who has a problem. Fuel prices are on the rise. Fed sets the narrative for the elections. Argentina is showing the world how to do it. The [DS] knows they are finished, but they will fight to the last breath, because they know they are finished. The people are with Trump and more people will be coming to his side. We were told from the beginning how long this was going to take and how it as going to happen. Scavino sends a message, the storm is building and it won’t end well for the [DS].



Many Americans believe that the economy and their finances are worse than they really are

In The Wall Street Journal’s latest poll of swing states, 74% of respondents said inflation has moved in the wrong direction in the past year.

This assessment, which holds across all seven states, is startling, sobering—and simply not true. I’m not stating an opinion. This isn’t something on which reasonable people can disagree. If hard economic data count for anything, we can say unambiguously that inflation has moved in the right direction in the past year.

Source: wsj.com

Nationwide Gas Prices Top $3.50, Spiking More than 45% Under Joe Biden 

The nationwide average price for regular gas topped $3.54 a gallon, a spike of more than 45 percent under President Joe Biden, AAA reported Wednesday.
In the past month, gas prices rose 20 cents ($3.34), about one dollar more expensive ($2.38) than when Trump left office.
Gas prices remain high and could go higher due to industry and political factors. Biden’s economic war on American energy independence during instability in the Middle East and in Ukraine are significant factors.
According to Goldman Sachs, gas prices could reach $4 by May.

Source: breitbart.com


  Federal Reserve officials will likely reduce their benchmark interest rate later this year, Chair Jerome Powell said Wednesday, despite recent reports showing that the U.S. economy is still strong and that U.S. inflation picked up in January and February.
“The recent data do not … materially change the overall picture,” Powell said in a speech at Stanford University, “which continues to be one of solid growth, a strong but rebalancing labor market, and inflation moving down toward 2% on a sometimes bumpy path.”
Most Fed officials “see it as likely to be appropriate” to start cutting their key rate “at some point this year,” he added.
In his speech, Powell also sought to dispel any notion that the Fed’s interest-rate decisions might be affected by this year’s presidential election campaign. The Fed will meet and decide whether to cut rates during the peak of the campaign, in July and September.

Source: cbsnews.com

Argentina’s Javier ‘Chainsaw’ Milei Slashes 15 Thousand Taxpayer-Funded State Jobs, Fulfilling Campaign Promise – Unions Stage Protests

When he was elected President of Argentina,   Javier Milei became responsible for tackling a very serious problem: how to turn around an economy destroyed by the Peronist socialists who drove almost 60% of the citizens below the poverty line.

The Milei response has been to plow along and try to implement his policies as fast and as broadly as possible.

Yesterday (3), another step in this direction was taken, as Argentina announced that it had cut 15,000 taxpayer-funded state jobs.

It’s ‘the chainsaw’ in action, as promised during the campaign.
Milei’s aggressive campaign to slash spending put his government on a collision course with angry protesters and powerful trade unions.

Milei’s government struggles to balance the budget.

Associated Press reported:


Source: thegatewaypundit.com


Longtime Democratic Nebraska State Senator Switches Parties, Joins Republicans in Surprise Move (VIDEO)

Nebraska State Sen. Mike McDonnell announced his departure from the Democratic Party to join the Republican Party.
After a tenure marked by a firm commitment to his Catholic faith and pro-life stance, McDonnell cited growing ideological rifts with the Democratic Party as the reason for his decision, Nebraska Examiner reported.

‘Border Needs To Be Closed’: Voter Gives MSNBC Host Earful On Immigration

A Florida voter told MSNBC host Jose Diaz-Balart that not closing the southern border was “unsafe” for the country in an interview that aired Wednesday.

“I think the southern border needs to be closed,” the voter, a young Hispanic woman, told Diaz-Balart. “I think it is unsafe for our country. I would love to believe the idea that everybody that is crossing the southern border is doing so in search of the American dream, but that’s not true.”
“I do agree with the wall. I think it makes sense,” the voter continued. “I think you lock your doors at night to make your house safe. I think we need some kind of measure to keep our border safe as well.

Source: dailycaller.com

Geopolitical/Police State

  people want to hear what I have to say, perhaps, according to experts, more than anyone else in the World. My TV ratings are by far the highest, and my Rallies are not equaled, even close, anywhere or by anyone. Look, I had hundreds of millions of followers on various platforms, and could have them back again, but was cancelled for largely political reasons. Those platforms all want me back…They need me back! On Truth I have 7,000,000 followers……

  Russia, Russia HOAX. and all of the others, people get it. Look, using TRUTH, I became the Republican Nominee for President of the United States, and in record time! When I ENDORSE a politician on TRUTH, they almost ALWAYS WIN. If it didn’t work, or properly get the word out, I wouldn’t use it – But it does work, and work really well – And the fun is just getting started!!!

  media platforms. And he has required the censorship of specific posts, without giving users any right of appeal or even the right to see the evidence presented against them. Now, Twitter Files, released here for the first time, reveal that de Moraes and the Superior Electoral Court he controls engaged in a clear attempt to undermine democracy in Brazil.
They: — illegally demanded that Twitter reveal personal details about Twitter users who used hashtags he did not like; — demanded access to Twitter’s internal data, in violation of Twitter policy; — sought to censor, unilaterally, Twitter posts by sitting members of Brazil’s Congress; — sought to weaponize Twitter’s content moderation policies against supporters of then-president@jairbolsonaroThe Files show: the origins of the Brazilian judiciary’s demand for sweeping censorship powers; the court’s use of censorship for anti-democratic election interference; and the birth of the Censorship Industrial Complex in Brazil. TWITTER FILES – BRAZIL was written by@david_agape_@EliVieiraJr&@shellenbergerWe presented these findings to de Moraes, to the Supreme Court (STF), and to the High Electoral Court (TSE). None responded. Let’s get into it…

Meta is DOWN: Instagram, WhatsApp and Facebook outage hits thousands of users worldwide due to issues with company’s ads transparency tools

Users reported sadness as access to favored apps went temporarily offline
DownDetector reports that Meta’s network of sites tanked at roughly 18:00 GMT

A trifecta of Meta-owned social media sites, InstagramFacebook and WhatsApp went down for users worldwide Wednesday afternoon, leaving thousands disconnected from family, friends, memes, and their favorite influencers’ feeds.
A spokesperson for Meta Platforms Inc. reported that ‘major disruptions’ in its ads transparency tools were behind the outages.
The company, according to its status page, went to work addressing the issue within moments of the first complaints.
According to DownDetector, a website which monitors such outages, reports of problems on the platforms first began to surface at about 18:00 GMT (14:00 ET).
As of 19:30 GMT (15:30 ET), service appeared to be largely restored for Facebook and WhatsApp, but not Instagram.

According to DownDetector, a website which monitors such outages, reports of problems on Meta’s platforms, including Instagram (above), first began at about 18:00 GMT (14:00 ET)

Source: dailymail.co.uk


WWIII Watch: Estonia PM Calls on UK to Reintroduce Conscription

Russia needs a stronger deterrence to stop its aggressive moves on mainland Europe and a UK reintroduction of conscription would go some way to foiling Moscow’s predatory ambitions, Estonia Prime Minister Kaja Kallas said Thursday.

Estonia’s leader since 2021 sees conscription as another integral part of both providing a deterrence to Russia but also stronger defence if it does attack.


 Source: breitbart.com

Cyber Attacks

False Flags

‘This could be 100 times worse than Covid’: Bird flu warning from scientists who say HALF of infections with H5N1 in people are fatal – as White House says it’s ‘monitoring’ the situation

Experts warn there is a higher risk of bird flu starting to spread between humans
But some appeal for calm, saying there are still a lot of unknowns

bird flu pandemic could be ‘100 times worse than Covid’ and kill up to half of everyone it infects, experts have warned — as the White House says it is ‘monitoring’ the situation.
Speaking at a briefing, virus researchers said the H5N1 strain of bird flu may now be getting ‘dangerously close’ to triggering a pandemic.
 Source: dailymail.co.uk


Weird how these show up in election years.

  some kids go through and eventually grow out, including those who undergo irreversible surgeries. The surgeries, the treatments, the therapies all need to stop. Immediately.


BREAKING: Jack Smith Issues Veiled Threat to Judge Cannon Over Her Jury Instructions in Trump Classified Docs Case  

Special Counsel Jack Smith issued a veiled threat to Judge Aileen Cannon in response to her jury instructions.
Last month Judge Aileen Cannon issued a jury instruction order in Jack Smith’s classified documents case and the leftist legal analysts went apocalyptic.
Cannon gave two options for jury instructions.

The first option: In a prosecution of a former president for allegedly retaining documents in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 793(e), a jury is permitted to examine a record retained by a former president in his/her personal possession at the end of his/her presidency and make a factual finding as to whether the government has proven beyond a reasonable doubt that it is personal or presidential using the definitions set forth in the Presidential Records Act (PRA).

The second option is:

A president has sole authority under the PRA to categorize records as personal or presidential during his/her presidency. Neither a court nor a jury is permitted to make or review such a categorization decision. Although there is no formal means in the PRA by which a president is to make that categorization, an outgoing president’s decision to exclude what he/she considers to be personal records from presidential records transmitted to the National Archives and Records Administration constitutes a president’s categorization of those records as personal under the PRA.


 dismiss the counts so he can appeal. If she doesn’t, he might seek “mandamus” at appellate court–asking 11th Circuit to tell Cannon what to do in the case. Very rare.

Source: thegatewaypundit.com

 All documents and records created within the executive branch are created for the benefit of the head of the Executive Branch, the president.
There is no entity, organization, assembly, institution, person or individual, above the President of the United States. The president holds absolute power and absolute immunity. Everyone within the executive branch works at the pleasure of the president, and all work products are created for his administration. This is the plenary power of the president.
The entire documents case in Florida rests on the principle that another entity supersedes the president within the executive branch.  Some unknown, unnamed bureaucracy can override the president and decide for themselves what would be called a “presidential record” and what would be called “classified information.”
Jack Smith, Norm Eisen (pictured left, red tie) and Andrew Weissmann each argue that some other entity rests atop the president and can make this decision.

Source: theconservativetreehouse.com


A key ally of Donald Trump filed a complaint Tuesday against a district judge out of Washington, DC, who appeared on CNN last week and took jabs at the former president.
US District Judge Reggie Walton went on the cable news network to discuss Trump’s attacks on the judge overseeing his “hush money” case out of Manhattan and was openly critical of the 45th president.
Mike Davis, the founder of the Article III Project, an advocacy group that pushes for the nominations of conservative judges, ripped Walton’s CNN appearance as “judicial misconduct.”
“We are seeing a dangerous pattern in which DC federal judges, like … Reggie Walton have convinced themselves they have a duty — unbounded by the judicial canons — to make extrajudicial pronouncements about President Trump,” Davis wrote in a 13-page complaint.

Davis disputed Walton’s suggestion that Trump threatened Merchan, arguing that the former president merely “articulated the reason why he believes he will not receive a fair trial” under him.
“A reasonable person cannot read President Trump’s posts and draw the conclusion that he made any such threat,” Davis argued. “President Trump, for example, did not dox the home addresses of the judge and his adult daughter. Nor did President Trump encourage illegal protests outside of their homes.”


Source: nypost.com

Ex-military member charged with crashing into FBI office had online links to QAnon, report says

Ervin Bolling was a supporter of Donald Trump, according to postings uncovered by the group Advance Democracy.

The ex-military member who federal authorities say drove his SUV into a barricade at the FBI office in Atlanta on Monday had online ties to QAnon-related content and appeared to be a supporter of former President Donald Trump, according to an open-source investigation by the group Advance Democracy.

Source: nbcnews.com


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: e32d7f No.6967368
Jul 9 2019 11:46:46 (EST)

Listen very carefully (again).
Note past (2) years.
Note next (6) years.
You were told what was going to happen.
You were told what battles we face.
Patriots in control.


Anonymous ID: grTMpzrL No.147445681
Oct 31 2017 23:57:15 (EST)

Who controls the NG?
Why was the NG recently activated in select cities within the US?
Can the NG work in coordination w/ the marines?
Do conditions need to be satisfied to authorize?
What former President used the military to save the republic and what occurred exactly?
Abraham Lincoln – CIVIL WAR resulted He declared Martial Law which suspended habeas corpus in the US. More specifically he imposed the suspension on “prisoners of war, spies, or aiders and abettors of the enemy,” as well as on other classes of people, such as draft dodgers.”
Biggest drop to ever be provided on Pol. Study and prepare. The masses tend to panic in such situations. No war. No civil unrest. Clean and swift.


Anonymous ID: zGyR4tyi No.147647154
Nov 2 2017 13:44:21 (EST)

Look to Twitter:
Exactly this: “My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us…….”
God bless.


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